

ok so i moved my plant to a diff pot (no pun intended) and all my leafs started dyein level by level so i cut 3 levels from the top and stuck it in the dirt with no root gel or anything and its actually takin so my question is do i have to start the whole process of the veggie stage over and for how long also i still dont know if i have a male or female is it even worth keepin or should i charge it to da game and start over????


Well-Known Member
You certainly want to allow enough time for the roots to reestablish themselves again. Sounds like you did some root damage during your transplant. If this is the case your plant should rebound quickly, especially since you did some pruning. This helps take some of the strain off of the roots. Allow the plant to regain its vigor, get to the stage where you want to flower and proceed. Shouldn't take more than a week or 10 days to fully recover and you see good new growth again.
Good Luck


Well-Known Member
when you transplanted did you water it real good so the water was coming out of the bottom of the pots?


yeah i watered it to where the water was coming out the bottom also i added 2 cfl lights so do i need to start the veggie stage over


Well-Known Member
as long as you want, if i were using cfls and didnt know if it was a female, i would have already given up.