Damnit a whole world of problems (PICS)


Well-Known Member
My babies just arent the same.
Some are wilting a bit.
Some are curling leaves upwards.
Some have large yellow spots and yellow on edges.
WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?! :confused: :confused: :confused:

I use spring water, no ph adjustment (its spring water, geez) and i water every 2 to 3 days, i always check that the soil is dry using finger test.
400W HPS hanging more than 2feet away
Temps in low 80's
Growing in Miracle Grow 3 month extended release fert.
Theyr'e 20 days old.


(leaves curling)


I am NOT using nutes since the soil already has in it but i WILL if someone recommends it!

Please help, my babies JUST started slightly smelling that wonderful smell I don't want to lose any of them! I'm thinking of picking up some kind of nutes and putting it in the water, maybe an all around one or something, I can't lose them!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Oh yea, BTW the MG nute mix is .21%--.07%--.14% (NPK)

Maybe i should try a well rounded nute mix to dilute in water? Recommendations? I don't think it's nute burn cuz the yellowing is random spots and edges, it's gotta be a deficiency i hope but i dont have a clue as to what? I looked at "guides" but I don't want to guess wrong...


Well-Known Member
ok here we go SPRING WATER doesnt mean shit for proper ph ranges still you MUST check ph poland spings ph is worse than my communities ph range...
next is my opinion but others have had great sucsess with miriclegrow but judging by the spots on various parts of the leaf i would say that there are hot spots in the soil where more nutes are built up and they are damaging you ladies...but then again this could be cause by a ph problem first you must check the ph to narrow down a problem that is existing..


Well-Known Member
Alright, I'll buy a pH tester and lower/raise it accordingly... Hopefully we'll see pickup by the end of tomorrow since I'll water them tomorrow morning.


Well-Known Member
You can use a ph up or ph down kit (found at growing stores or even at pet stores).

My pH is around 7.5... What should i lower it to?! 6.5? 6.0?


Well-Known Member
You can use a ph up or ph down kit (found at growing stores or even at pet stores).

My pH is around 7.5... What should i lower it to?! 6.5? 6.0?
6.5 is good see that even pureified spring water still needs tweaking to work well.


Well-Known Member
I'm getting confused...

I can lower the pH of the water that I water with, but will lowering it really make a difference? What's the deal with all this talk of soil pH, and do I really have to go through the trouble of testing soil pH? I mean is it really probable that the miracle grow soil is the wrong pH? So many people on here use it... Sigh... This can be one frickin frustrating hobby.


Well-Known Member
ph has everything to do with the way your plant absorbs the nutrients in the soil and ferts...if you ph isnt right your plant is taking up more nutes than others making it unhealthy....you should also look in to repotting into some foxfarm ocean warrior soil...miracle grow is no good...


Well-Known Member
Absolutely lowering it makes a difference!!!!!

PH is so important to us because it must be in a proper range or the plant is unable to absorb certain nutrients. Look at the chart. For soil look at the far right and you will see that certain nutes just aren't available to plant at certain PHs. Can you see why a PH of 6.5 is so damn important from the chart?


Well-Known Member
So getting the pH of the water that I'm watering with to about 6.5 will unlock those nutrients? What about the pH of the soil... Is that generally governed by the pH of the water you are using (considering MG soil mix here)???


Well-Known Member
you want to use a soil that has a good ph to start with.....foxfarm soils are great for maintaining good ph levels...make sure your nutrient mix is at 6-6.8 ph when you water your plants....if your soil is still outta wack look into the faq section under plant problems...there is a list of different things that will raise or lower your soil ph....


Well-Known Member
Alrighty then:

I finally got smart and revamped my whole system. I bought foxfarm soil with wormcastings and bat guano and transplanted all of my plants into that soil. I also got pH down, then got spring water. Got a pH meter from Lowe's.

Lowered the pH of my water to 6.5, tested it using a freshwater testing kit from pet store. Watered all the plants with the new water and soil. Here are CURRENT pics (those poor things, they're droopy as hell, but thank god the roots were nice and strong).

I wanted to go to 12/12 lighting today, but I'll wait until the end of the week before doing that so they can recover.


Well-Known Member
Ph is the single most important thing, if you don't know the Ph you can't do anything to fix the plant.

Get a little 3 way meter, at least. Garden section, looks like a little green box with two knitting needles sticking out of it.You can use vinegar and baking soda if you can't get up and down.

You have to know the Ph!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
LOL yea I got the exact thing you were describing; I got the pH/light/moisture all-in-one meter.

A stupid question on how to use it though -- should i stick it into the soil just after watering? Or as long as the soil has some moisture in it, it'll work?


Well-Known Member
I like your numbering, I got mixed up once,what a mess, those little #s help.I was all stoned when I transplanted that time.