Dank here ;) Gardening with Dank 101

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anybody wanna see some pix of my bad ass strawberries i'm growing? this is about the third year for these plants, just thought i'd blow everyone away with some pix of them.. hold onto your hats ladies and gents, and be prepared to be amazed. :D
Most definitely I have 5 plants growing out side right now and there well ok so far... but maybe here in a month or so ill shoot some progress pics of it maybe you can shoot me some advice on them they get a small amount of roots organics buddah grow along with everything in my garden.. i also before planting i tilled and spread mex and jamacian guano on it.. soil was tampered with evergreens for 40 years. can't believe anythings growing there
Look at them wanna be raspberries haha.

lol, yeah, they're looking a bit bigger this year, can you believe it?
it's just the variety of strawberry they are though, they just stay super small like that.. i didn't know it when i bought them, as i thought they were normal sized, but the first year they were tiny tiny... i thought maybe they weren't established yet, but i found out last year after they didn't grow any bigger it's just the kind they are.. i forget the name of them atm, but i think dannyboy knows watt they're called, i can't remember.. tasty though..
lol, yeah, they're looking a bit bigger this year, can you believe it?
it's just the variety of strawberry they are though, they just stay super small like that.. i didn't know it when i bought them, as i thought they were normal sized, but the first year they were tiny tiny... i thought maybe they weren't established yet, but i found out last year after they didn't grow any bigger it's just the kind they are.. i forget the name of them atm, but i think dannyboy knows watt they're called, i can't remember.. tasty though..
As long as you get something. I'm pretty sure my friends' wife grew some like that as well.
Hey bro.. ;) Whats? You doing good?
lol, yeah, they're looking a bit bigger this year, can you believe it?
it's just the variety of strawberry they are though, they just stay super small like that.. i didn't know it when i bought them, as i thought they were normal sized, but the first year they were tiny tiny... i thought maybe they weren't established yet, but i found out last year after they didn't grow any bigger it's just the kind they are.. i forget the name of them atm, but i think dannyboy knows watt they're called, i can't remember.. tasty though..
haha.. Man O man those are super "sweet"! I couldn't believe it when I bit down into one. ;) I recently started adding in molasses to my food & feeding those as well. ;) I have always had the compost, just was outdoors & I couldn't access it all of what I needed during the winter months. ;) Glad to hear your doing good.
yeah, you know me dankster, just over here filling myself up on strawberries, pmsl.. :D
alpines :D i have some they are the best tasting just small and soft
most of the time they dont even make it to the basket get ate right off the bush
some flowers and a garden i didnt start just moved in a week ago and they stopped taking care of it about a month and a half ago got the tomatoes staked up and the beans trellesed today and weeded almost 2 rows
thats a before gimme a few days and ill give some after shots


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Oh doing good I guess. ;) TY 4 asking.. Glad to hear they are doing good. yeah I have been seeing really tight node spacing on them all. ;) NO bs. haha I TG ended up with the (female) Purple Monkey, however I am sure they all aren't males. lol This 1 here is loaded with "fem" so hopefully that will fix that "reg" issue.. haha ;)

TY, I'm doing aight I guess, you? Yeah, the fellas are looking good. I couldn't believe the PM's were male, I've never seen that tight of nodes or side branching from males before.
Took a little while and a few runs (moved from a completely different climate a few years back) but, it's nice when it's established. I don't think it ever ends but, finally running a setup I feel pretty comfortable with.
Yeah the land i decided to put the garden on was WEEDS hostas huge 40 foot long evergreen bush that was outta control.. after removing it nothing really grew till this year i tilled bat guano'd the shit out of it raked it let it rain for days on it and went to planting.. My gardens going good and the grass is finally growing.DSC03993.jpgDSC03996.jpg


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Someone round here mentioned getting a kiddie pool to sit your ladies in if you ever had to go away for a few days. Not a bad idea if I say so myself. ;) I am thinking about just hooking a few lines up to my DWC & running a few lines for a drip line :) they should be just fine for a few days, maybe even a week without any food. If not I may have to take the rooted clones out of the DWC & just go ahead & place them into soil as the medium. Im not wanting to do that though, however I only have just 2 time being vs my other ladies. Dont want to loose all this work. lol
I hear that. I needs me a kiddie pool :) just so I can sit and soak and sunbathe :)
Pools and more pools! ya'll suck man :( not really lol just kidding ;) talking to my fella earlier and just fed the kitties outside. They are really warming up to me, at least the striped one is. He let me rub his head a little bit the other day and didn't try to scratch or bite me! shocked my ass, they are skittish little things...so not stoned? me either right now
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