Dank Nugs Indoor Grow Journal

Dank Nugs

Active Member
That's a good thing...ya know you got decent air movement!! That ghetto filter is pretty interesting...what was the major purchase in building that?
the major purchase was a 5 gallon bucket of activated charcoal. maybe $25?? i dont remember because i bought it last year with the intention of building the filter but in reality it just sat in the bucket for a year. and ive got a whole lot left over too for when the filter loses its affinity for smells. other than that maybe $40 at home depot? i still can't believe how well it works. as soon as i get around to it i'll put up a step by step guide instruction thread on how to build ur own., i took pictures of everything as i made it with that intention


Dank Nugs

Active Member
oh yea, so the plants. last week i started giving the big budder cha-ching nutes from foxfarm every other watering. i haven't seen any appreciable difference but im sure it's doing something. the temp is starting to really go wacky. the range is as high as 80 to as low as 55. i odn tthink it will make that much of a difference (hopefully) but this is a journal so that is that. oh and the buds are starting to smell delicious

Your Grandfather

Well-Known Member
25° spread is bordering on 'quite a bit'. I'm not the expert on temperature ranges but I'm thinking you are 'right there' before the plants starts looking for a winter coat or something similar 8)

Dank Nugs

Active Member
unfortunately i agree. the weather out here has been sorta crazy and there is little/no insulation in the basement. i figure i can either add some sort of heating element to maintain atlesat 60 or insulate the room it's in. oh boy.

Dank Nugs

Active Member
also as i checked on the plants today the fan leaves on the larger of the two are starting to droop at the tips. ill post pics later on.

Dank Nugs

Active Member
pH? could be, i haven't been monitoring it ( idont' hav a pH meter). i noticed some significant color changes in the top fan leaves in addition to the tip drooping. i think i must have screwed up the nute concentration. they've been watered using nutes twice in the past week. im going to stop using them for a week to try to flush out the high concentration, then i'll double check the dilution. the leaves that got it the worst were the small leaves at the very top of the cola.


Dank Nugs

Active Member
the yellow burning only got worse at the end of the cycle today, i'm going to keep it on strictly H2O for the next week before reintroducing foxfarm nutes. i may not evn use the foxfarm, i feel that the miracle grow may work just as good for now.


Well-Known Member
ill take some pic and send them to you not much changing just tryin to figure out this leaf problem and making another box for the little girl


Well-Known Member
sorry grandfather dank is out of town so im taking care of his plants right now and i havent had time to put up new pics only have a few anyway but hopefully i will get around to it in the next day or 2


Well-Known Member
ok well i just got to it and im puttin new pics up for dank these arent great cuz they are from my phone but hopefully you can see what im talking about. the top of the big plant is discolored and we think it is nute burn due to a wrong dillution in the nute solution we are using fox farm cha ching soo we cut that out and are just using tap water i will be going there tommarrow to take care of them after a 7 day vaction so i hope that everything is ok as when i got home tonight my little plants were badly burned but will hopefully pull through i will have pics of them up tomarrow on my grow journal which there is a link for at th bottom so check t out ok here you go the long awaited pics

