DankDave420's Mixed Strain Soil Grow from seed.


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Topped all my veg plants yesterday. They are going to have a very dense and even canopy, hopefully not too dense. I am out of area, they are starting to crash. Waiting until they recover and flipping them. Will have to wait to trellis them because they are not sexed and don't know how prevalent hermies are going to be. I'll just keep them loose until they start falling then trellis them.

I am nervous now. Was happy to see pistols on all of my flower plants , but, spotted one little sack of 3 bananas today on one from a mile away. Checked them all best I could with magnifier, didn't see any others. Pulled the plant. No big deal because I don't have room in there for all. Just hoping it isn't going to be a problem with all of these seeds, and hope I got it early enough. Really they just now started having pistols and that sack was the most mature flower so maybe it will be OK. Just going to stay vigilant. Was going to pull some but now will just wait in case I have more hermies.

One of my plants stretched at least 3 inches last night and was about to crash. I left them up high after I watered yesterday. Thing went nuts. Was going to pull it but I noticed the hermie. Might try to bend it. I actually tried to practice super cropping on my hermie but it didn't go too well. I can't get a good knuckle without splitting it. I tried squeezing, not squeezing, twisting, I don't know. Will just stick to easy bending.

My other tent is packed full of bigger plants, it is going to be a challenge watching for bananas. That LED light is killing it. Def need to pick up another Viparspectra before they raise their prices.

So I nuked the plant I pulled and am smoking it. Didn't expect anything. It tastes like shit, really bad, but it is actually giving me a heady buzz. I thought it was placebo but when I get up I def am buzzed. I am completely clean right now so my tolerance is zero. Dont know if the harsh ass toke is worth it though. Wish I would have kept the buds n leaves separate.
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Haven't found any more hermies. They are looking good. Calling 17th the first day of budding. And the 12-12 seedlings are also showing sex. Pretty sure these are feminised seeds because all 9 that have showed have been female besides the one hermy.

So I flipped the others on the 18th. May have been too soon after topping. Getting alot of drawstringing on my new growth and a little light in color. Some of the drawstinged leaves also have some odd coloring. I have been giving them cal-mag. Gave them light nutes last watering. Always PH and PPM and have fan on. Run vent intermittently. Not sure. Hope it isn't the spring water. They have been growing fast but the drawstringing I would consider severe. I was definitely under-watering. A couple started to wilt before I watered last time. Not sure if that caused an issue or what. I guess I will add more nutes next watering because I def don't think they are over fertilized. Really not sure though.
Just started running the vent all day when the light is on and the temp and humidity really went down. Maybe they are struggling to adjust to the changes. I really don't know, could even be because I sprayed them with too cold water, maybe from the Azamax. Not alot about drawstringing on line. Actually the closest I have found to the issue is Tobacco Mosaic Virus. Almost certain it isn't that. Frustrating. Hope they don't keep getting worse.
They also had a few rusty looking spots on a few top fan leaves, that is why I started running the vent all day because it was hot and humid and thought it could have been fungal. Might post a pic to the forums and see what others think. Wanted to Azamax them one more time before they flower but maybe I'll grab some neem oil in case it is fungal. But I don't want to spray anything while they are looking weak.


Well-Known Member
Just a little update with photos.

Pic 1: A pic of the grow tent. Just topped and flipped. Showing some minor problems. Think I just had too many changes at once.

Other pics: The Veg Cabinet, it is being used to flower this time around. All are female. The big ones are sisters of the ones in the tent, all planted at the same time. The little ones are unkillable seedlings I started because the first batch was a little stunted at first. When I got good growth in the others I made them my test subjects and they were tortured quite a bit and never died. Pretty much 12-12 from seed.

I will not be transplanting the bigger ones in the cabinet because there isn't enough room and I don't want to thin them out.

I will transplant the smaller ones into the 6" pots like the others are in. I think I can fit 4 6" pots under the small LED. I have 4 T5 low output(15W) cabinet grow lights I plan to add once I decide how I am mounting them.

The cabinet has 126W right now, that would put it at 186W.

The tent has a 200W LED. I think I am going to try to finish the grow with just that and grab another for the next grow but not sure.

The cabinet was not a serious grow but, they look good and healthy. And I know they already give me a buzz so they should be pretty good.

The tent is my real grow. I'm nervous because I am having the minor problems. But they should be ok I think and give me a decent harvest. I really hope. I learned alot about my set ups this grow. Next will be better.



Well-Known Member
Damn it man. Turned off the fan to get those pics n of course forgot to turn it back on. I remember thinking about it earlier and thought I remembered turning it back on. At least the light wasn't right on the plants. Held the thermometer up and looks like it maxes out about 93° so maybe wasn't too horrible for a few hours. Going to tie it up at canopy level.


Well-Known Member
I am going to try to post on here when I feed since I am having troubles keeping track.
Transplanted 4 of the girls in Solo cups just now. One might be out of luck.
Am going to rotate some plants in the tent. Was thinking about pruning but not today.
One that was strong early on is struggling now, getting light color, slow growth, and miniaturized leaves. The stem is way thinner than all the rest. Not sure what it is.
I foliar fed them last night with a little bit of everything Cal-mag, Big Bloom, and Tiger bloom, even used a teeny bit of Magnesium Sulfate to try to get some sulphur. Mix was just under 300 PPM. Didn't seem to do much good. One even has what appears to be a burn spot from it.
Left the vent to try to keep fresh warm dry air in there and it got down to 63° and 99% humidity. So that didn't work. Think I am better off leaving it off at night. But the thermometer did fall n may have been in a puddle.
One has started to show pistols.

So I transplanted the little ones and gave them cal-mag and Big Bloom with a dab of molasses.

About to water the medium plants. Can't remember what I gave them last time, that's why I am going to log it. They look really healthy so just going to give them a light feeding because I know I flushed 2 waterings ago, and then I think light fed last time, so a light dose should be good again. Cal-mag spring water up to 200PPM, Tbs BB, Half tsp TB, dab of molasses. 410PPM.


Well-Known Member
Defoliated the tent today. Can def tell I waited too long but should be good. My fingers smell like skunky, bubblegum, berry, gorilla glue. Smells dank as hell. Smoking the lower leaves off my mediums I pruned a little last night. They give me an OK buzz, nuked them. Can't help but toss my defoliated leaves in the dehydrator to try them.


Well-Known Member
Made 5 gallons with spring water, Cal Mag to 200ppm, 4 tablespoons of BB, 3 tsp TB, 1 tbsp molasses, just over 500PPM. PH to approx 6.5.
Did minor bending and pruning under canopy.

Going to water the mediums next with the little bit of leftovers diluted.


Well-Known Member
Misted down all the plants with RO.

Since the medium plants are in small pots, flushed for the second time with spring and then watered with Spring water, CAl-mag to 225ppm. 2 Tbs Big Bloom, 1/2 tsp TB, molasses, 520 ppm, PH 6.5.


Well-Known Member
Have to thin out the tent. Looks like I have a few hermies. They are just starting to flower. Going to inspect them all really good now and see what I end up with. Looks like three are hermies. Hopefully the other four are not.


Well-Known Member
Update time with Pics:)

Medium plants are just under 3 weeks in flower.
Small plants are 2 weeks.
Big plants are 1 week.

Just got my tent trellised yesterday. Was my first time trellising and I think I did good. Learned how I can do better next time.

2 days ago I fed all the plants 5 gallons of spring water, Cal Mag, Big Bloom, Tiger Bloom, molasses. About 650 ppm. Forgot to log it.

I snapped a top off a small plant on accident yesterday.

The medium plants are smelling amazing. Strong orange scent is dominant. Noticably different smells between plants. Frosting up nicely.



Well-Known Member
Well I smoked that top I broke and it was killer so I harvested a plant at 3 weeks 2 days ago. Still isn't dry but I got a nice wake and bake off of bottom fluff. Tastes damn good for wet fluff that hadn't been flushed. Kind of tropical, dank, pungent. Stoney already.

Started flushing my next plant. Going to harvest as I need now. Shame to harvest weed that is only half grown but I should have more than enough.

Fed all in the cabinet with my mix at 650 ppm yesterday. Flushed the smallest medium with mild mag. sulf. and molasses.

Ordered my drying rack, nutes and pH stuff I was low on.


Well-Known Member
Have a pic of my first early harvested plant. Pinky size top at 3 weeks under flourecent is ok with me. Is some quality shit, lots of trichomes, good taste, good buzz.

Flushed my next plant again with plain spring water and misted it down with RO.
Watering the rest of the cabinet in a few with light nutes.



Well-Known Member
Pic of plant I harvested at 4 weeks. This one has a good bit of diesel and pungency. The last plant was like straight blueberry. The difference is surprising.

Doing a light feeding all around today and flushing my next plant.



Well-Known Member
Haven't posted an update for awhile. Been smoking this killer cannabis. I'm smoking my 12/12 from seed plants now. I have one left to harvest then the cabinet will be veg only. Unfortunately I had a banana in the tent so I will have some seeds. Still very happy with the outcome. Next grow will be better. Still growing the same seeds, plan to buy better seeds next grow. Seedlings are on third node already. But that is next grow. Will post pics next.


Well-Known Member
I have a couple pics of the last 12/12 from seed plant. It is at 7 weeks.
A pic of one of the ones I harvested already in a jar.
Some pics of the tent at 6 weeks. 4 plants, 4 different colors and smells. Lots of purps. They will have some seeds but I can deal with it.

