From my understanding they are. The Mad Farmer's M.O.A.B. (Mother of All Blooms) is a bloom enhancer and ...Description: Mad Farmer N.U.T.S. is a 100% organic,Are these organic nutrients?
some guy was on here yesterday claiming moab shortened his flower times by 3-4 weeks and increased his yield LOLS. People were saying to be careful cause it will burn ur plants super easy
humm well dank you let us know how it works. im not gonna test anything new since i have my system working perfectly.
I have been hearing/reading allot of growers have been having killer results while using it (MOAB). Although, I could easily see it burning them having a NPK like 0-52-32
With an N_P_K ratio like that you'd have to keep a broom and dustpan handy to pick up the fan leaves, cause they will drop like flies. No offence to anyone, but I'm calling bullshit on their claims...j
what about cha ching and open sesame
what about cha ching and open sesame
With an N_P_K ratio like that you'd have to keep a broom and dustpan handy to pick up the fan leaves, cause they will drop like flies. No offence to anyone, but I'm calling bullshit on their claims...j
I have no Idea on those as I don't personally use cannabis specific anything, all you would find in my garden is mg 24-8-16 and Dyna Gro foliage pro 9-3-6 and Dyna Gro Protekt
And you would be right IMO J, I read the whole thread. Claimed to knock like 3-4 weeks off flowering time with no effect on yield or potency he provided no proof other than one pic of some plants at like 4 weeks with full green healthy leaves after giving them 0-52-32 since the beginning... Total BS.
But, other people have made more realistic claims of knocking 1-2 weeks off of flowering times.
I am curious what results you get Dankster.
Now Dyna Gro lineup is some good stuff. Have some of that to, really liked results.
I love dynagro protekt great thick strong stems!
Instagram ShakenBaked710
I dont see how anyone can claim to knock time off of harvest. i think some dont understand no matter what you feed it its gonna be done when its done. sure if you starve 1 plant and feed another the one you feed will be done sooner and better. if you start at 12/12 you can finish 3 weeks early overall, but that is taking from veg time not from flower time. just my opinion.
Right onI love dynagro protekt great thick strong stems!
Instagram ShakenBaked710
Right on againYup I just got it a few days ago and I can tell the diff. already...very good stuff.
YUP.. This is another reason I like the strain (K.A.S.I.). The flowering time is ridiculously short! 6 to 7 weeks and she is done!! I shit you not..I dont see how anyone can claim to knock time off of harvest. i think some dont understand no matter what you feed it its gonna be done when its done. sure if you starve 1 plant and feed another the one you feed will be done sooner and better. if you start at 12/12 you can finish 3 weeks early overall, but that is taking from veg time not from flower time. just my opinion.