Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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Well-Known Member
I know its hard to cope with and I cant stand the thought of losing my mother even though we don't really speak anymore. It was hard to let her go, but the negativity that she kept sending my way was dragging me down and stressing me out and my job and school was suffering because of it.. Once I get everything in order I'll be in contact again, but right now, I just need time. It hurts every day not being there for her, but I cannot concentrate with all the put downs.

It gets real tough at times
you know my mama was hard on me, but just remember every day is another lost sweetie..we can't get them back ;) I had a lot built up with my mom and we weren't close for several years. Long story, don't want to get into but the point I'm trying to make is that I feel so guilty for having wasted that time. Now that I am able to be with her, I can, but look at the circumstances. It breaks my heart but I can't do a thing about it now. Not trying to make you feel bad at all, I swear, just don't want you to have the regrets is all, and I will be praying for her ;)
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