Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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Well-Known Member
You know, I would like to go & do some cat-fishing here soon. lol. Who's up for a night of cat-fishing & getting stoned? :confused:
I have been wanting to make a trip up that way to come chill and pick up some pibb xtra.. Hard to find the time though.. Sucks..
Better wear ya some gloves b4 handling those 2 day old chicken livers. lol that damn smell will never rub off. I swear, ajax wont rub that smell off. Ewww.
haha, I never use gloves for anything and once I catch a fish the liver smell is gone and replaced by fish smell.. Id rather stinky liver smell than fish any day. :lol:
the nastier the better...thought u guys followed the swamp ppl...catfish love stinky livers. If your serious about catching them. One day is usually plenty..a real hot few hours outside would suffice. Im a girl though
I haven't used liver in a while, usually catch them on night crawlers.. May go get some livers tomorrow/today cover them in garlic and set them outside. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Checked my auto this morning before I left and noticed that on the first node on all 4 tops it is male, on the most recent node, all 4 tops female.. Wtf is this shit? I have no idea what to do at this point. Will update with pics later..

I've had a hermi before, but this isn't anything like I've seen..

Does this mean it would have female pollen? I have no clue..
See you all later.


Well-Known Member
see multifarious was right about the hermi's
>.< think you may have stressed it a bit too much
or it was a hermi to start with
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