Something has always weighed on my mind. lol Who's ever thought about all these pop stars/singers/actors that's "died" suddenly, unsuspected, not really ill, that may have faked their own death?

one that really sticks in my mind is a video I recall seeing a few months back. "Let me state I have NOTHING against any of them".

But 1 in particular (video) really got me. IDK if anyone else noted it but when MJ (Michael Jackson) passed away, as the helicopter was passing by, I guess another air craft was near the other air craft, well I was looking in to see if I could see his body on the gurney, what I seen was allot more then that! I seen what I thought @ that time his (MJ) body sit straight up.. Now maybe this just could have been his body reaction to rigamortis setting in, or a trick of the camera... but IDK. looks like he sit up to me. lol Who else seen it
not saying he is alive, wasn't a huge fan, but did like his 80's music such as Billy Jean, and Thriller.