Thanks bro. Well, I do believe this is my home to stay. Had thought MP was allot nicer @ 1st. Then come to find out the Mods like bashing new members there, and giving them - rep for speaking their minds. Then turn right around & jump on whomever for doing so, when they clearly make threads they shit talk about new members in.. So Im here bro

Glad your doing good. Hope to talk again soo. Hey! did you happen to get the new # today? Just wondering.
a lot of web site forums are getting to commercial or too politically correct , where you can't say a cuz word or say your OPINION about one of the seed houses that happen to advertise on their sites.
it's the old conflict . I could understand them coming after me and bashing me for saying a dutch " so and so " is selling mis-categorized seeds or what ever , there's always a 100 come backs to turn it on the poster, but to get banned for it?
happened to me on 420 Mag

now just posting there under another Nom de Plume

fuck if I emigrated to the US to have freedom and have a cum sucker try ban me for saying something that is actually true and now talked about in many forums, LMAO
most of you in here that have had more than 5 harvest know crap when you read it, and also when it's in the form of claims by seed houses . when you buy a AUTO and the seeds grow up to be 6 feet tall and 3 months later they are still not sexing , call me weird, but it sounds like and smells like a photoperiod plant to me, specially when I have done 2 different Zambeza seed tins each with 10 strains and grown enough to know what a AUTO does.
I got banned for that . I still go there for the occasional article or post that sounds interesting, after all I won't quit on them just cause the admins are cock suckers, they still have great members and the occasional article where you pick up a gem of wisdom on how to make your plant happier.
that was a long winded way of saying welcome back to what feels to me like a burned out hippie run organization LMAO