Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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Well-Known Member
I can kill anything that isnt weed. Ive killed alot of house plants. I think i killed a cactus once *shaking head in self disapointment* :(
Plants that are not mj are ok to experiment on, 100% of the time.. so it's ok - same with trees, unless the tree is over 50ft tall and you get an idea to try to spike it with something to see how it replies... or unless the tree is 100 dollars or more and it's a major piece of the lawn.


Well-Known Member
Plants that are not mj are ok to experiment on, 100% of the time.. so it's ok - same with trees, unless the tree is over 50ft tall and you get an idea to try to spike it with something to see how it replies... or unless the tree is 100 dollars or more and it's a major piece of the lawn.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys! Danks back!! I sure did miss you guys! ;) its good 2 be back I know that!
Well, what did I miss while I was away? I know the mice will play while the cats away.. :mrgreen:

Sure would be nice to burn down with everyone! :joint: That would be great!!
Anyways. While I was away I have done a few new things! I went ahead & started the Blueberry, that was the last thing I remember leaving you guys with. Ok, I went ahead & started a "White Widow, & another Belladonna. ;) and I also double crossed the 8 Ball Kush on one branch that had been crossed already with the "Hubba Bubba Bomb" I crossed it twice with different strain, "the Sleestack x Skunk" pollen. So we will end up with a mix of 8 Ball Kush x Hubba Bubba Bomb on one branch, then 8 Ball x Sleestack x Skunk on a different branch. ;) I am sure that will make for a very interesting strain to back cross, and mess around with. ;) I love making new strains, and playing with there genetics. Who knows, one day I may come up with the next generation "Chem -dawg".. wishfull dreaming wouldn't ya say.. ;) oh well, never hurts anyone to "dream" & have big plans & wishes!! I have also been starting the "Purple Voodoo's on a really low dose of the Advanced Nutrients ppm'd at around 300 to start off with. The instructions say to shoot for a ppm of 400 to 600! I just think that's way too high to start them off at!! So I went ahead & dropped down to a "lighter" ppm reading, and they all 4 seem to be liking the dose. So start of next week, I am going to go on & bump them up to the 400, & then just gradualy step them up every week. Atleast until they get use to the "regular" dose. Don't wanna burn the babies. ;)
I have encluded a few pictures for you guys. I hope you enjoy. I just want to stop & thank everyone for sticking around for the grow/grows! 4 real. Means a lot to me to have you all looking in at what all I have going on. :) seriously, thanks guys!

So here is the pictures. And did someone mention "RUM RAISIN"??? YUMmmmm!!
Yeah, I know, I know. I need to cut way back on the rum raisin, even though I don't want to!! Damn that's some killer ice cream!! To bad they where sold out at the store today! :(

Also, in the pics are Tropa Canna's Orange Bud flowering. Also Royal Queen Critical flowering, & the Peyote Purple cola.

Oh! About forgot. I started a "Purple Pineberry".. :mrgreen:
So, I believe that puts me up to 26 strains guys!! Holly shit!!



Well-Known Member
Then don't believe or try 99% of the crap people on RIU float out as fact. Read the plants and not posts.
Am learning and re-learning things I thought to be true while putting new info down, is why my disclaimer in sig block says nothing I share comes with a warranty or guarantee in any form. I'm mostly confident, but by no means close to damn perfect at plant diagnosis like you or a few others are. :D


Well-Known Member
Gosh. I pictured a bigger home coming then this.. :( j/k.. So how has everyone been doing? How is yall's grows going? Come on, fill me in... :mrgreen:

Well, here's the UPDATE everyone is waiting 4 I do believe.. :mrgreen:

They (Belladonna & Bluedream & China Yunnan). While I was away, I went ahead & started a Blueberry, also a White Widow & another Belladonna. ;)

*The Belladona (2) & also the White Widow are greminating* The "Blueberry" on the other hand has already broke ground & is wanting to say "hello" to everyone!! ;)

Well if anyone has any :??: feel free to hollar at me. Again, good 2 be back.. ;)

The picture of the Skunk#1's & Purple Voodoo's the Skunks are on the left.

If you have any questions about the pics, just hollar..



Well-Known Member
Was hoping Bella would be just a little bit bigger, but she'll get there.. nice lush leaves, beautiful color :D


Well-Known Member
Was hoping Bella would be just a little bit bigger, but she'll get there.. nice lush leaves, beautiful color :D

Yeah, well if you remember, she started off with a "bang"! I guess she's in that little slump they all go through. ;)

Like you said, she'll start filling out here in a day or so. I can't wait! She should be nice n pretty. She already is, you know what I mean. Lol.

I had 2! I wnet ahead and started another Belladonna. I am calling this one Belladonna (2)
So we can keep them apart, and know which one is which. I hope to get 2 different pheno's. But I know they'll both be (females) because there feminised beans. Unless we get a hermie! But we won't! Well' keep yalls fingers crossed!! :mrgreen:

I had to attach a picture of what (in my mind) think Belladonna (2) should look like.. ;) haha.. lmao



Well-Known Member
Yeah, well if you remember, she started off with a "bang"! I guess she's in that little slump they all go through. ;)

Like you said, she'll start filling out here in a day or so. I can't wait! She should be nice n pretty. She already is, you know what I mean. Lol.

I had 2! I wnet ahead and started another Belladonna. I am calling this one Belladonna (2)
So we can keep them apart, and know which one is which. I hope to get 2 different pheno's. But I know they'll both be (females) because there feminised beans. Unless we get a hermie! But we won't! Well' keep yalls fingers crossed!! :mrgreen:

I had to attach a picture of what (in my mind) think Belladonna (2) should look like.. ;) haha.. lmao
Feminized doesn't guarantee female, but with stable conditions both very well may end up as such. I wish you luck with that! :D As for pheno counts, where was Bella in terms of stabilizing phenos and locking out bad ones? Any idea whatsoever?
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