Sorry bout earlier. The g/f was bitching about something that made no sense to me. so i just had to take off for a few to clear my head(aka get REALLY REALLY FUCKIN HIGH) Now that i am back...
BEECH- Sorry I guess i had another stoner moment and misread what was said before.
However I will still continue with this unless it seems to be harming them in anyway.
I also LST's the one FEM I do have of the Spyder bunch.
2 males for pollen collection. and BOTH stink, so I know they are good.
BAK-Yes I did misunderstand what was said before and thought he had some extreme stealth shit going on. lol.
I'll try it and keep it as tight as I can in hopes of either the Buds to look like "Side Show Bob"(The Simpsons in case someone DOESN'T know). or similar with just horizontal growth...
Checking out the thread you posted now.