Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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Has anyone used those guys, ive heard bad things about them?

As for the quality of their genetics.. I can not vouch. The quality of their book and recipes on how to save 10s of thousands of dollars in homemade fert mixes per year (for major, and I do mean major operations) seems quite valuable in the grand scheme of things. - to reword my previous thoughts into something that doesn't sound like a fence-rider position.. The book is great, the genetics are questionable as I have no first-hand experience with them - but if they grow the plants and do genetics as they mention the book, it should be by no means a disappointment.
Lol, ive heard that the seed dont make it to the US.

Wanna take a road trip? I'd like to tour BC anyway. :D We'll hide 200k seeds in a hollowed out section of the transmission (if it works for getting cocaine from mexico to Cali, why won't it work for seeds?) hahahaha.. I am kidding, mostly.
I read some things about their seeds not getting here as well. Also read another place that a lot of them come out male (don't know why that would be the case, but that's what I read).
I read some things about their seeds not getting here as well. Also read another place that a lot of them come out male (don't know why that would be the case, but that's what I read).

Yup, mostly.. I can't vouch for the company, only peeked due to his mention of the genetics he was looking for... as for the 'mostly', it was a passing idea that could be considered at some point.. but that time is not now - would hate to try to explain to my wife why I'm taking a 7 day straight road trip from my location to there.. then explain why I want that many seeds to then bring back 'home' to the genetics peeps - if they'd even allow people to meet with them for the purpose of obtaining 200k seeds (see: souvenirs) ;)
Wanna take a road trip? I'd like to tour BC anyway. :D We'll hide 200k seeds in a hollowed out section of the transmission (if it works for getting cocaine from mexico to Cali, why won't it work for seeds?) hahahaha.. I am kidding, mostly.
It DOESN'T work anymore, LOL
I watched one of those shows a few weeks ago, and they tore apart a guy's front differential to find what they were after.
It DOESN'T work anymore, LOL
I watched one of those shows a few weeks ago, and they tore apart a guy's front differential to find what they were after.

ok, new plan - we'll hide seeds inside of flashlights.. with 1 battery on the outside of the screw-on piece.. then put those in plastic tubs and make it look like we're doing a time-sensitive shipment of merchandise with the serial seals on it to 'avoid tampering' from those who ship, and guarantee that what was in the tub made it to its destination.
Well bro, you could "always" hollar at me!! Lol.. ;) I am up to 180 now.. and that's "top" A+ genetics also.. I am 4 real bro.. Trying to get my own "b***" going. That has been a major dream of mine for a really long time bro. If only I had a lab!! Boy that would be so FUN!!! ;)
Ya man, i remember mine like it was yesterday too. We had four people jammed into a pickup and we were down by the bridge climbin hills. We smoked a joint and the truck didnt come outta park for an hour. We all just sat there laughing and saying how awsome the weed was for an hour. White rhino is a strain that carries a nostalgia with it that makes me want to grow it so bad. I made my first order a while ago for beans and it was pretty expensive so i went with somthing cheaper cause i didnt know if itwould make it to my house. It came and i wished i woulda spent the extra 40 bucks. Oh well me and my rhino will be together soon enough :):):)

Yeah I've tried BC last week lol.. ;) order got here just fine bro..
ok, new plan - we'll hide seeds inside of flashlights.. with 1 battery on the outside of the screw-on piece.. then put those in plastic tubs and make it look like we're doing a time-sensitive shipment of merchandise with the serial seals on it to 'avoid tampering' from those who ship, and guarantee that what was in the tub made it to its destination.

Hahah! I this is the way I have sent my orders to folks b4! You stold my concept! Theif!! ;) j/k bro.. lol..
Glad to hear you received those man. Once again, if my kahunas were larger I would order with them. They have a lot of strains I'm interested in.
It has been brought to my attention that people have started adding "UVB" light systems to there grows/plants because its been found that the effects of the UV light on cannabis will increase the production and potency of the plants.

**A researcher conducted a controlled experiment in a greenhouse. He lit a group of high potency plants similarly except with the addition of UVB light to some groups. He found that the percentage of THC increased in a direct ratio with the increase in UVB light. This research confirms the adage that high altitude plants are more potent than those grown at low altitudes. If you look at old-world land races of cannabis, plants that have become adapted to the climate and latitude, the ratio of THC to CBD starts at 100 : 1 at the equator. At the 30th parallel (The Hindu-Kush Valley) the plants have a ratio of 50 : 50. At the 45th parallel the ratio is near 1 : 100. This corresponds roughly with the amount of UVB light received at these latitudes. There is much more UVB at the equator than the 45th parallel. How can you get more UVB light to your plants? Certainly it's true that MH lamps emit more UVB light than HPS lamps. Still the amount that MH lamps emit is small. In fact, many manufacturers use UVB shielding glass to filter out most of the UVB that's produced. The UVB light the plant receives from an MH lamp does increase the plant's potency slightly at the cost of yield, but there are better ways to introduce UVB light into the grow room. They include reptile lights, which emit about 10% UVB, and tanning lamps. The problem with using these lamps is that they are
associated with increased number of cancers and many other problems. They
should not be on when you are in the grow room Not much research has been conducted onusing them to produce higher THC values. I will do a side by side test/study, I will post up pictures with my reports/notes on my findings, and will all find out if this is 100% TRUE or if its 100% FALSE. :mrgreen:

Has anyone ever grew with UVB light systems before? If so, please share your outcome of your
project, and or pictures if you had took any. That'd be great!!
The company that the rep worked at that gave the free 800 Budzilla system to me is working on UVB light system this year is what he was telling me when I was talking with him, and had told me that he would send one of those to try out aswell.
In the meantime I will be using the light I was telling y'all about to conduct the test.

Well, I will post & let y'all know when I get the light, and also the particular strains I will be using it on.
Hope to hear y'alls thoughts on the study I am getting ready to conduct..
Sounds great dank, i use a LED for veg, it has a UV light in it, there was a note from the manufacturer in the package that said, please note, these specific diodes are UV, you will not be able to see the light produced so please do not send it back thinking theres some lights burnt out :):):)

Sounds great dank, i use a LED for veg, it has a UV light in it, there was a note from the manufacturer in the package that said, please note, these specific diodes are UV, you will not be able to see the light produced so please do not send it back thinking theres some lights burnt out :):):)

That's cool bro. Glad you spoke up & told me about you using the "UVB" on your grows. So have you noticed a increase in trichs, and or potency?? Or have you done a side by side comparison verse's MH/HPS or LED system with the UVB, then one grown under a system without the UVB?

I just ordered one of those CFL UVB bulbs that I am going to hang over a particular plant that I have "two" of the same strain, so I can see if the UVB adds any more trichs & potency to the plant "with" the light. Since last night I've read a lot of positive information on the subject, and it does make a lot of sence, being our "sun" has UVB rays in it, and I've noticed for the most part my "outdoor" plants do a lot better outdoors, and also more potency 4 sure, can't remember if the where "more" crystals or not. But will soon find out.. ;)

Thanks 4 sharing though bro..
Hey everyone. Good morning guys! How is everyone doing? Good I hope. Well I figured that I would post up an UPDATE 4 everyone..

In the pictures are all of the seedlings/babies that's between the age's of 3 days old to 2 weeks old almost. except for the Skunk# 1's & Purple Voodoo's, they are working on there end of there 3rd week of vegging.

When I 1st transplanted them, it was brought to my attention by Nija that they either needed water, or somthing was going on with them. After I started really looking at them I started noticing tiny burnt spots & discoloring in the lower bottom leaves, with "slight" twisting outta shape leaves on the very tip top of the plants (Purple Voodoo's) not the Skunk#1's. So, I wnet ahead and mixed up a "light" mixture of a cal-mag for the "twisted leaves", and a light mixture of some vegging nutes with "nitrogen" for the yellowing bottom leaves, and dosed the day it was told to me, and within that time I have noticed a change! 4 the good too!! :mrgreen: So thanks Nija for pointing that out to me.. ;)

Here in the next few days I believe I am going to start feeding the bigger seedlings that has atleast 3 sets of true leaves so I don't run into "cal-mag or nitrogen" deficiency later on, or any other problems that we run into growing.

Nip that shit in the bud b4 it even starts! Hell I 4 the most part add the cal-mag & a added mixture that is a base nute that has all the "trace nutrients" in it even if the plants don't need it at that time or not. So I won't /plants won't have any problems during there younger days, so they will grow up to be big, strong, healthy tree's.. :mrgreen:

Well guys, here's the pictures. I hope you enjoy. ;)
If you have any questions please feel free to shoot me a line.

Your friend, Dank.


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    Blueberry. 03-04.jpg
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Here's the rest of the pictures! Shit. I 4 got to add them! Sorry. :mrgreen:


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    White Widow. 03-04.jpg
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    Skunk#1's & Purple Voodoo's. 03-04-13.jpg
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It has been brought to my attention that people have started adding "UVB" light systems to there grows/plants because its been found that the effects of the UV light on cannabis will increase the production and potency of the plants.

**A researcher conducted a controlled experiment in a greenhouse. He lit a group of high potency plants similarly except with the addition of UVB light to some groups. He found that the percentage of THC increased in a direct ratio with the increase in UVB light. This research confirms the adage that high altitude plants are more potent than those grown at low altitudes. If you look at old-world land races of cannabis, plants that have become adapted to the climate and latitude, the ratio of THC to CBD starts at 100 : 1 at the equator. At the 30th parallel (The Hindu-Kush Valley) the plants have a ratio of 50 : 50. At the 45th parallel the ratio is near 1 : 100. This corresponds roughly with the amount of UVB light received at these latitudes. There is much more UVB at the equator than the 45th parallel. How can you get more UVB light to your plants? Certainly it's true that MH lamps emit more UVB light than HPS lamps. Still the amount that MH lamps emit is small. In fact, many manufacturers use UVB shielding glass to filter out most of the UVB that's produced. The UVB light the plant receives from an MH lamp does increase the plant's potency slightly at the cost of yield, but there are better ways to introduce UVB light into the grow room. They include reptile lights, which emit about 10% UVB, and tanning lamps. The problem with using these lamps is that they are
associated with increased number of cancers and many other problems. They
should not be on when you are in the grow room Not much research has been conducted onusing them to produce higher THC values. I will do a side by side test/study, I will post up pictures with my reports/notes on my findings, and will all find out if this is 100% TRUE or if its 100% FALSE. :mrgreen:
Has anyone ever grew with UVB light systems before? If so, please share your outcome of your
project, and or pictures if you had took any. That'd be great!!
The company that the rep worked at that gave the free 800 Budzilla system to me is working on UVB light system this year is what he was telling me when I was talking with him, and had told me that he would send one of those to try out aswell.
In the meantime I will be using the light I was telling y'all about to conduct the test.

Wusup dank....my homie i got my light and tent n everything from gave me eye hortilux 430w bulb and the 30w over 400 is UV rays...he said from his 6 years exp that it works ! so im taking his word for it.. :))
It has been brought to my attention that people have started adding "UVB" light systems to there grows/plants because its been found that the effects of the UV light on cannabis will increase the production and potency of the plants.

**A researcher conducted a controlled experiment in a greenhouse. He lit a group of high potency plants similarly except with the addition of UVB light to some groups. He found that the percentage of THC increased in a direct ratio with the increase in UVB light. This research confirms the adage that high altitude plants are more potent than those grown at low altitudes. If you look at old-world land races of cannabis, plants that have become adapted to the climate and latitude, the ratio of THC to CBD starts at 100 : 1 at the equator. At the 30th parallel (The Hindu-Kush Valley) the plants have a ratio of 50 : 50. At the 45th parallel the ratio is near 1 : 100. This corresponds roughly with the amount of UVB light received at these latitudes. There is much more UVB at the equator than the 45th parallel. How can you get more UVB light to your plants? Certainly it's true that MH lamps emit more UVB light than HPS lamps. Still the amount that MH lamps emit is small. In fact, many manufacturers use UVB shielding glass to filter out most of the UVB that's produced. The UVB light the plant receives from an MH lamp does increase the plant's potency slightly at the cost of yield, but there are better ways to introduce UVB light into the grow room. They include reptile lights, which emit about 10% UVB, and tanning lamps. The problem with using these lamps is that they are
associated with increased number of cancers and many other problems. They
should not be on when you are in the grow room Not much research has been conducted onusing them to produce higher THC values. I will do a side by side test/study, I will post up pictures with my reports/notes on my findings, and will all find out if this is 100% TRUE or if its 100% FALSE. :mrgreen:
Has anyone ever grew with UVB light systems before? If so, please share your outcome of your
project, and or pictures if you had took any. That'd be great!!
The company that the rep worked at that gave the free 800 Budzilla system to me is working on UVB light system this year is what he was telling me when I was talking with him, and had told me that he would send one of those to try out aswell.
In the meantime I will be using the light I was telling y'all about to conduct the test.

Wusup dank....my homie i got my light and tent n everything from gave me eye hortilux 430w bulb and the 30w over 400 is UV rays...he said from his 6 years exp that it works ! so im taking his word for it.. :))

What's up bro? Oh just busy as hell here as usual,lol.. :mrgreen: but hey we gotta love it! ;)
That's cool the dude is assuring you that it infact dodes work. I still will also be conducting the test on my end though. I gotta see 4 myself type persons, lol..
Idk if I will get all that much of a difference with just the light I will get here soon, but hey its worth a shot.. ;)

Well, thanks 4 letting me know that info though..
Well guys the 8 Ball Kush where out in the sun this morning, and I wanted to show you guys how fast the bud production is picking up on them! I've noticed with this particular strains & a few others that they pack on there most weight in the middle to end of the flowering cycle.. Have y'all noted that aswell?

I went ahead a removed *(only a handfull)* of suckers from two plants. I have enclosed a photo so you can see the little amount I remove halfway during flowering, the reason I do this is so the "lower" bud production catches up to the rest. And if you notice in the picture of the leaves, that's not much at all for "two" plants 2 and a 1/2 and 3 foot tall either. My trim off two 8 Ball Kush flowering.jpg

Well there's the pictures, I hope you guys enjoy um.. :mrgreen:


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    8 Ball Kush almost there guys! 03-04-13.jpg
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    Another 8 Ball Kush. almost ready. 03-04-13.jpg
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UVB light is a neat idea. Never read anything about it until now. The chicas are looking great man. What part do you do your small pruning off of to get more lower bud production? I've only been trimming as much as I need for my clone experiments (trying to find my fav way), but want to try some different things next run
Ive never used the LED in flower dank, is just for my veg tent. Ivealways wanted too but its always in use somewhere else unfortunatly. It grows short bushy plants for me and i really love the results. Theyre so stocky when they go into flower i love it :):):)
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