You know what I hate about people your age.
You think you know everything. First off kid. Learn to spell, holy fuck.
My kid spells better than you and he's 6. What the fuck is a herman?
That's a man's name. It's hermaphrodite or hermie for short genius.
Last time I checked incandescent bulbs don't need ballasts.
I purposely left out the fact that CFL's have built in ballasts to see
if you would be the little know it all dumbass you are and tell me
something I already know. Thanks for proving my assumption correct.
You clearly know jack shit about what you are talking about.
Saying HPS is worse than HID. HPS IS a HID lamp.
No, all lights don't need ballasts only gas discharge lights do.
CFL, amazingly enough is a type of gas discharge lamp.
Instead of replying like every other typical 21 year old shit stain.
Why don't you try to be thankful for the information that was presented
to you and not respond like some arrogant douche that finally doesn't
need big brother to buy his booze.
I'm not EVEN going to begin to tell you how wrong you are about
your insane idea that someone who is fit automatically changes
the gene pool and their children will be fit. Honestly,
where the fuck did you hear that?

were the size of gravel?
Obvious troll is obvious.
I hope you learn how to grow kid I really do.
But with a mentality like that and your head that far up your ass.
I have my doubts.