Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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Well-Known Member
i still like troll-bot
makes it sound like a bad ass trolling transformer
Web definitions
someone who sends unwanted email (often in bulk)

If spammer is the correct term and they are computers. then why does the definition say SOMEONE?
and why does it say email?
wanted to say it SOOOOO bad but held my self back. :)


Well-Known Member
I imagine you can bro.
You know how easy it is to get something you don't want pollenated.........
i did them on one that isnt really all the way flipped yet and see what happens it still had white hairs the other were working on orange hairs preflowers
shit if it works out i can get seeds and still have semi seedless buds


Well-Known Member
He's getting ready to do an update, I'm pretty sure;)
he could be running behind too because of his doc appt today.


Well-Known Member
Does anyone know about where I'd get a good multiband extender? like, something that will pick up Verizon, AT$T and Sprint?


Well-Known Member
Wifi? where would I find something like that, any ideas? I used to be way overdated on tech stuff but for the last 5 years or so, I got so lost LMAO
too much drama was in my life so my brain went dead along with my wallet:(


Well-Known Member
my phone a retard but they call it smart
if its android then you can probably get a free one in the google app store
and it would tether to a router if you have one


Well-Known Member
yeah I've got a smart phone..it will tether to the router..but how does that help exactly? sometime you gotta explain
things like I'm a 5 year old LMFAO


Well-Known Member
I was actually talking more about a hardware application...AT&T sells an extender that you set in front of a window and plug in. It supposed to help boost your service coverage. Thing is, hubby has a sprint work phone, we both have ATT contract phones plus I have a Verizon flip phone (soon to be upgraded). None of them get coverage worth a damn in the house because of the tin roof.


Well-Known Member
if you have a wifi calling app on your phone and dont have signal you can make and receive call's through your internet
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