Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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Well-Known Member
Bored online all alone. Screwing around with some fonts again.D&SLogo.jpg

I have to move the letters around to make them even and shit but i'm too tired to do it at the moment lol... So deal with it.


Well-Known Member
Come on Peach I passed it too you like a day ago Stop bogarting it......:eyesmoke:
what you talkin about willis??:??: I passed that shit, puff puff pass...where the hell did it go? LMFAO :):):)
wassup Fornia??? hey can I start callin you fornicate? LMFAO :):):) I'm in rare form today, j/k around man..wassup????:mrgreen::mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
what you talkin about willis??:??: I passed that shit, puff puff pass...where the hell did it go? LMFAO :):):)
wassup Fornia??? hey can I start callin you fornicate? LMFAO :):):) I'm in rare form today, j/k around man..wassup????:mrgreen::mrgreen:
I always love your spirt Peach but the answer is No! :lol:


Well-Known Member
I'm on my third bowl in 2 hours...... :) need to get nice and LIT so i can go to the stores and get the rest of the shit i keep FORGETTING to buy lol.....

I made a list once before. but forgot it at home so i forgot to buy the shit. lol
THIS TIME i have my list in my pocket.. let's just hope i'm not too high and forget it is there. lol.........

I NEEEEEEEDDDDD to hook up this new setup TODAY. My AC needs to get the fuck out of the window and thrown into the trash lol....... I'll buy a brandy new one next year.


Well-Known Member
Breaking Bad is on tonight incase you forgot, Going to roll up a Fatty.....:blsmoke:
This fuckin sucks. What the fuck am i supposed to watch at 9pm on sundays for 2 weeks? Dexter and Breaking Bad are BOTH done. FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well gotta run ya'll.. PEACE


Well-Known Member
Breaking Bad is on tonight incase you forgot, Going to roll up a Fatty.....:blsmoke:
I haven't seen it since three weeks ago :(
gonna catch up later this week though, going back to the old place for a few days to see my son and pick up the rest of my things. Got to see the doc Thursday then
a wedding Saturday. Full week ahead. :)
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