Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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Well-Known Member
My head is hurting like hell...damn allergies...! supposed to work later in the morning but if this shit ain't better I'm stayin in...later guys


Well-Known Member
Well hello hello... I got on just now thinking I would have a TON of messages, and or likes.. Big let down.. lol.. Had 1 pm.. over the long weekend break I took! I guess I am just not important anymore, that or folks have just grown tired of me, and don't love me anymore.. :( Oh well, it'll all be ok.. ;) haha...

Can't do an update as of now. Light are off and don't want to disturb the ladies sleep. All has been going well. Except, I noticed what I thought may be PM!! Powder Meldew!! :fire: upon closer inspection I think it may just be a slight cal-mag def. Which is a lot better then fucking PM!! Had that shit 1 grow a few summers back outdoors!

Other then that they all are doing good.. Will be updating with pictures as soon as the lights kick on though.. I know I sure did miss everyone! Had a lot to take care of though.. 1 of my damn LED lights went out in my budzilla! Now I have been running around the net like a chicken with its head cut off! Lol It seems that NO one makes the replacement driver/power supply I need! Except 1 place. Yup, if you guessed china. Your correct. I hate ordering parts/supplys from china! Takes 4- ever to make it to the states!! I'm glad I do have a few good friends helping me out locating the part though.. ;) Don't think I would've ever located it without those 2.. Giggywatts & Bumping a BIG shout out 2 you BOTH!! ;) I just want to take the time to thank you both 4 helping me locate the part needed.

Gots to go get a new drivers made now... ughhh... Damn drugstore ended up keeping my old one!! Called and they said they didn't have it. So NOW I have to go and fork out $ for a new drivers and go through all that BS!!

I'm going to go for now, but WILL 4 - sure be back here in a few hours guys.. ;) Hopefully we all be able to catch up..
Looking forward to it myself.. Talk to you guys/gals then...



Well-Known Member
Dank have you seen these Mr.Vega found it
  • Originally Posted by Mr.Vega
    haha....when u go to the google.play store.for.the mobile.riu app...it gives.pictured examples of what.the screens on the app look like...this thread is on one of those screens....ur famous MD



Well-Known Member
Well hello hello... I got on just now thinking I would have a TON of messages, and or likes.. Big let down.. lol.. Had 1 pm.. over the long weekend break I took! I guess I am just not important anymore, that or folks have just grown tired of me, and don't love me anymore.. :( Oh well, it'll all be ok.. ;) haha...
Can't do an update as of now. Light are off and don't want to disturb the ladies sleep. All has been going well. Except, I noticed what I thought may be PM!! Powder Meldew!! :fire: upon closer inspection I think it may just be a slight cal-mag def. Which is a lot better then fucking PM!! Had that shit 1 grow a few summers back outdoors!

Other then that they all are doing good.. Will be updating with pictures as soon as the lights kick on though.. I know I sure did miss everyone! Had a lot to take care of though.. 1 of my damn LED lights went out in my budzilla! Now I have been running around the net like a chicken with its head cut off! Lol It seems that NO one makes the replacement driver/power supply I need! Except 1 place. Yup, if you guessed china. Your correct. I hate ordering parts/supplys from china! Takes 4- ever to make it to the states!! I'm glad I do have a few good friends helping me out locating the part though.. ;) Don't think I would've ever located it without those 2.. Giggywatts & Bumping a BIG shout out 2 you BOTH!! ;) I just want to take the time to thank you both 4 helping me locate the part needed.

Gots to go get a new drivers made now... ughhh... Damn drugstore ended up keeping my old one!! Called and they said they didn't have it. So NOW I have to go and fork out $ for a new drivers and go through all that BS!!

I'm going to go for now, but WILL 4 - sure be back here in a few hours guys.. ;) Hopefully we all be able to catch up..
Looking forward to it myself.. Talk to you guys/gals then...

Yeah ok....shitass ;)
Think everybody gave up on you when we didn't know what was up. They've been here every day waiting on ya;)


Well-Known Member
Yup we have. lol....

We held off on the PMs because we didn't wanna flood ya! lol... You pop on for 5 minutes this morning. and then BAM you've become one with the shadows again....




Well-Known Member
GM,Little Danksters...I here ya Peach I have alergys real bad.
Hope ya feel better.
Hey Beech... ;) How's it going big dawg :??: Hope all is well your way bro.

Dank have you seen these Mr.Vega found it
  • Originally Posted by Mr.Vega
    haha....when u go to the google.play store.for.the mobile.riu app...it gives.pictured examples of what.the screens on the app look like...this thread is on one of those screens....ur famous MD

NOPE... DIDN'T KNOW THAT AT ALL... ;) wow..!! Well, I don't knows if I'm considered famous or not.. :??: But I would like, or better yet hope that I do make a few peoples lives alittle brighter./greener.. :mrgreen: And also hoped I've helped a few out with their grows atleast. ;) And made a few new friends..
Been busy here recently. That and damn phone minutes for my dang phone! Won't be going on anymore though.. Going 2 mar and getting my brand new touch screen compooter.. haha.. ;) So everyone will see a lot more of Dank, and also a lot MORE updates!!
Thanks 4 letting me know this bro.. 4 real.. That's cool.. ;)
Yeah ok....shitass ;)
Think everybody gave up on you when we didn't know what was up. They've been here every day waiting on ya;)
So you give up that easy :??: gessshhhh!!..... No fair!!

Yup we have. lol....

We held off on the PMs because we didn't wanna flood ya! lol... You pop on for 5 minutes this morning. and then BAM you've become one with the shadows again....


Hell bro.. You should knows I likes me some pm's & shit.. haha.. Got some pictures coming upp.. ;)


Well-Known Member
Had a lot of stuff to takes care of in da really real worlld.. ;) I would've thought that maybe someone wouldve asked where I might be and Stew would've told them (whomever) that I was still kicking..


Well-Known Member
Had a lot of stuff to takes care of in da really real worlld.. ;) I would've thought that maybe someone wouldve asked where I might be and Stew would've told them (whomever) that I was still kicking..
I asked where you were...if you read through your thread you'll probably notice quite a few people were looking for ya...hell we've been hanging out here about every night...I figured that tooth had you down bad or you had some personal affairs to tend to that wasn't any business of ours...SO, where were you Dank?? ;)


Well-Known Member
Had a lot of stuff to takes care of in da really real worlld.. ;) I would've thought that maybe someone wouldve asked where I might be and Stew would've told them (whomever) that I was still kicking..
Nice to see you back.. I am in a middle of a harvest myself and starting a fresh round in my perpetual system.

Anywise can't wait to hear how the Grape God is doing etc...

Grow On My Friends Grow On!
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