Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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Well-Known Member

x18-30(link to 2pk)

Hey stew thanks but I got lights plug in sockets and y adapters :D I'm just thinking of a way to make a nice big hood with the light clamps I got cause I'm on a very low budget
I completely understand. I just feel that would be a sick fuckin CFL setup... lol........

1380w CFL GROW may need to be attempted for fun ins thes futures ofs mys grows........ HAHAHAHAHAHAH


Well-Known Member
Well I'm working with some nice materials and set up ideas .. The link I put in here earlier is of my closet im going to run 4 plants and have over 300 watts


Well-Known Member
i swear by lumatek high par hps bulbs :) they really put out i have to let my cool tube dirty up some or the plants get sun burnt >.<
60 -80 dollar bulb 100 dollar ballast and hood and your in it to win it


Well-Known Member
Doc's said everything was OK. neuro doc is next in line I guess.

We spoke briefly yesterday. Didn't wanna annoy him while he was busy. :)


Well-Known Member
*patiently* waiting for these beans to crack pop and snap lol ahhh what a gloomy day here in the cheese state :( cloudy and freeging cold!!!!!!!! hope everyone is doing well today !!!! happy farming happy toking !!!! ive been weedless for days now :( so puff puff pass!!! sharing is caring!!!


Well-Known Member
*patiently* waiting for these beans to crack pop and snap lol ahhh what a gloomy day here in the cheese state :( cloudy and freeging cold!!!!!!!! hope everyone is doing well today !!!! happy farming happy toking !!!! ive been weedless for days now :( so puff puff pass!!! sharing is caring!!!
A friend with weed is a friend indeed ;)


Well-Known Member
hahaha you guys are great!!!!! thanks for the laugh i just woke up and this gloomy day makes me feel like couping up in a ball and sleeping all day haha


Well-Known Member
Look above the Text field where you are about to type your reply. there are 5 icons at the end(6 if you count smileys)

Smileys, link, un-link, insert photo, insert video, quote. in that order.... click the film strip and paste the link in there and hit OK.


Well-Known Member
Look above the Text field where you are about to type your reply. there are 5 icons at the end(6 if you count smileys)

Smileys, link, un-link, insert photo, insert video, quote. in that order.... click the film strip and paste the link in there and hit OK.
HA! That's awesome!! I'm always on my iPhone and seems I can only post links and thumbnail pics...any idea how to post the bigger pics from an iPhone (I hate thumbnails)
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