Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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Well-Known Member
Nice grandma you got there bro! ;)
I pulled an all nighter last night to be sure I made an important appointment today.
I'm draggin ass over here, bout to pass out dude. Enjoy that there whiskey and have a shot or two for me! Its been an awesome day :)
Oh yeah she's great :-)

Well get a good nights sleep, I'll make sure to dedicate a drink to you. ;-)


Well-Known Member
Its from mandala "satori".
I see.
Better to be skeptical than sittin in the hokie yer damn self.
Yup. ;)
good man, im glad to hear you had a nice holiday and you def. seem like your feeling better, thats awesome...I havent seen the ladies as of recently though, can you tell me what page you have them posted on? i followed your link but i didnt see any pics of the plants, either way have a good one buddy!

edit: nevermind, i went back and did a little investigating and found them, they look great! im glad to see your having a good indoor season, im sort of bummed, since the death in my family a few monthes back I have had my mom come to my house and live with me for a little while just to make things easier on her and give her some company, but since she is here I have to much respect for my mother to grow in the house while shes here, regardless of whos house it is, she wouldnt like being in the same house with it so i tore everything down in my tent and stuff, which is a bummer now because ive missed almost a full cycle, luckily i had a good outdoor year so i still have plenty of bud, but if i dont start up something inside really soon then im going to be out probably right after the new year so i better get on it. its a mix of family and my personal laziness...someone needs to kick my ass in gear :)

Thanks bro. I can understand the reasoning behind you not growing while your Mother is at your home with you. Like you said its called respect. I commend you 4 that. Seriously. :) a lot of kids now days lack that very thing. Its sad really.
Sorry 2 hear of your loss.. I was glad 2 hear you was doing ok though.. Now come on bro, after Mom moves out I'm going have to come and set a :fire: under your ass.. haha.. Maybe that will get you motivated.. ;)

The drink was good haha :-P
Have a drink on me.. haha.. ;) Sure wish I had 1.


Well-Known Member
I found out lastnight I will be getting my net hookup on the 5th (Thursday). :) So, that means more of Dank around, and also a lot more updates! :mrgreen:
The new computer is GREAT! The dang screen is SO big I now have to get a new desk lol.. it runs super fast aswell.
I will be doing an update here this eve. I hope to speak with you all. Will hollar soon.


Guitar Man

Well-Known Member
Always looking for a place to share the GOOD STUFF...here is one of my ladies at day 28 of flowering. The fricken colas are getting HUGE (at least for me :lol:), and there's still plenty of time for some more action. Pic on the left is with 4-5 weeks left in flower-mode; pic on right was taken 5 days later. I'll be shooting a fresh picture tomorrow, which will be 5 days after the last shot.



Well-Known Member
saatchi_beach.jpg haha... Check this 1 out..

At first sight a nice summer day at the beach. But er ... Is it my imagination or is there something more going on here ? In this commercial for Club 18-30, a travel organization for young people, you see some fooling around with situations and perspective to suggest some hot stuff.
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