Damn!! I can't believe that NO 1 is been up in here over the weekend.. well, hell I can't say much myself, cause I myself hadn't been around this weekend! I had to get a few things straight & taken care of, so that's the reason for the short time I was away.
Oh! Nija. As far as the Chemmy & The White Urkle looking somewhat "odd" its just when they where started one of there leaves with both of them got twisted for some reason. Anyways they have both started to straighten up since I started dosing them with my special good',good' mixture!

And yeah the "Blue OG" looks great!! She looks like she will be a keeper!! I thought the same shit myself bro! I was looking, and her little leaves are so perfect its nuts!!! I will post you pics of the Cemmy Jones & White Urkle so you can check um out now to see what you think now, since its been a few days. I've noticed that some tiny new babies don't look right at times. Haha... I guess kinda like "real" human babies, some of those look the same, or just look funny when 1st born, its the same with little bud plants.. lol

Anyways, I got all that taken care of now I do believe.. take a look bro, and let me know if you think they both look better then the 1st time???
There is also pictures of a few other babies I got going. The White Widow is starting to look a lot better! She sure did start off odd! She started with 3 leaves, then went to 4, now she is on 7 leaves!! Some funny leaf production if you ask me! Lol.. on the others, the Purple Pineberry is looking super great! The Blueberry is almost big enough to flower, I believe I am going to let her get a few more inchs tall then flower her. The China Yunnan & Bluedream are starting to take off now. I think it had to do with where I topped them both is why the growth has slowed on those two! That's the only thing I don't like about topping! It takes so damn long to start to grow again!! Have y'all ever noticed that?? Well guys, let me know what you think?? Oh!! I went ahead & cut down the 8 Ball Kush last night! The seeds are finshed (8 Bomb)!! Yayyyyy!!

so I am going to let them cure in the bud that there in, and once cured I will be sending those out to everyone that subbed! So if you need to get me your info, please go ahead & do that now...?? I will HAVE to have it to send you your FREE prize!!

well, I will be posting up pics of the 8 Ball Kush harvest here tonight, so keep an eye out for that. Until then y'all take care. Your friend, Dank.