Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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Well guys, I am going to be doing a good update tonight 4 y'all on all the girls.. I have some good news though! Found out that the China Yunnan & White Urkle & Blueberry are all females! I knew they where, it was just taking so damn long for them to shoot out pistols it was unreal! So where still waiting on the Danks Purple Fire,Super Pig,Belladonna(2),Peyote Purple, & the 2 Royal Queen to show. I wnet ahead & stuck both the Royal Queen clones into flowering lastnight! ;) So, I am going to go plant some more veggies in the garden, and then I will be back on tonight with an update w/pics 4 y'all! Also, another *hint* as to what strain I went with a few days ago!

Ps! I went this morn & made a trip to see the "girls" out in the forest, just to make sure they where taking to it, and I was so pleased to see them! They(every one) of them where doing ok, and had there fan leaves all sticking straight up trying to reach the sun! They looked so pretty! ;) so all 52 are doing great! Yeah boy!! Haha.. :mrgreen:
Hey guys! I sure hope that everyone is doing good tonight.. :??:
Where'd every body go!? Lol.. Well, anyways I wanted to run something past y'all.. I believe I have a "problem"!! :cuss: Ok, idk if y'all remember me telling you that I was going to start a new strain that a "new" found friend hooked me up with, not to mention any names! The strain was "Madness"! And boy does it got me MAD! Lol... I guess that's why they named it that! :??: ;) Anyways I started "teo" of the 9 beans on the 15th. Well, I've been keeping the soil "moist" but not "soaked", and just keeping an eye on um, and nothing! Today is the 18th, and I know its just been 3 days, but hell I am use to those beans that you put in the paper towel & 5 to 6 hours later there popped! Y'all know what I am talking about.... :mrgreen: The beans where kinda "whiteish" looking, I know that doesn't mean all that much, hell some of my "best" plants have been some of the "worst" looking seeds & you'd think that it wouldn't turn out!! There all a nice size, just that whiteish color like said. Idk really what to think honestly.. :( like said theve been in the soil now for 3 days & neither 1 has poked there heads up to tell me hello.. So I barely brushed the soil to the side so I could get a look at them, and that is what I found in the picture. Maybe its just me!! I know I'm use to thoe that are up in a day! Lol.. Do y'all have any thoughts on the matter??? :??:


  • Started 2 Madness beans on 05-15 & this is all thats happened..jpg
    Started 2 Madness beans on 05-15 & this is all thats happened..jpg
    48.7 KB · Views: 13
Man I've had some take forever to come up, atleast the little root tail looks healthy. When I dug up my sin mints the other week I knew they were shot cus that little tail was rotten.
I hear ya bro.. Yeah, I know what your saying.. Hell I've had a few in the past to do this, but those did the way your saying your "Sinmint" did! I dug those up, and looked at them & they looked a"off white" do I got to inspecting them more & seen they where all f'd up! Looked like "mush" & smelt like ROTTEN SHIT!! Lol

Man I've had some take forever to come up, atleast the little root tail looks healthy. When I dug up my sin mints the other week I knew they were shot cus that little tail was rotten.
Ok guys.. got a :??: to run by y'all, and some news!! ;) well both the Simint & Fucking Incrediable broke open there shell & are shooting there tap out.. ;) Yaaaayyy!!
So what I was wondering was if I should just make a seperate journal for them in the "grow journal fourms", or just do it here with all the other strains?? I know that I will be doing a journal over at Sincity's fourms, being the rep I spoke with asked if I would join there fourm, and insted of shooting him emails, just to post my journals there, aswell as here! ;)

So let me know what y'all think bout it?? Thanks, Dank..


  • Sincity's Sinmint. Popped. 05-18.jpg
    Sincity's Sinmint. Popped. 05-18.jpg
    43.4 KB · Views: 5
  • Sincity's Fucking Incrediable. Popped! 05-18.jpg
    Sincity's Fucking Incrediable. Popped! 05-18.jpg
    44.7 KB · Views: 6
IMHO Dank you do such a good job of keeping your threads updated that you can just put em on here man! lol there's already tons of people on here that will follow it (including myself) we just wanna see what you got:mrgreen: And just to speak on the last topic I've had seeds take up to 5 days and grow through the seedling stage just to explode with growth during veg. Hopefully that will take and you'll get some good shit man:blsmoke:
Hey guys! I sure hope that everyone is doing good tonight.. :??:
Where'd every body go!? Lol.. Well, anyways I wanted to run something past y'all.. I believe I have a "problem"!! :cuss: Ok, idk if y'all remember me telling you that I was going to start a new strain that a "new" found friend hooked me up with, not to mention any names! The strain was "Madness"! And boy does it got me MAD! Lol... I guess that's why they named it that! :??: ;) Anyways I started "teo" of the 9 beans on the 15th. Well, I've been keeping the soil "moist" but not "soaked", and just keeping an eye on um, and nothing! Today is the 18th, and I know its just been 3 days, but hell I am use to those beans that you put in the paper towel & 5 to 6 hours later there popped! Y'all know what I am talking about.... :mrgreen: The beans where kinda "whiteish" looking, I know that doesn't mean all that much, hell some of my "best" plants have been some of the "worst" looking seeds & you'd think that it wouldn't turn out!! There all a nice size, just that whiteish color like said. Idk really what to think honestly.. :( like said theve been in the soil now for 3 days & neither 1 has poked there heads up to tell me hello.. So I barely brushed the soil to the side so I could get a look at them, and that is what I found in the picture. Maybe its just me!! I know I'm use to thoe that are up in a day! Lol.. Do y'all have any thoughts on the matter??? :??:
I would wait at least another 4 days before you condemn them, I always germ mine in soil, and they usually take exactly 5 days, but this MP only took 3 1/2, but some have taken up to 7.
I would post them on here dank, and just do the test journal on the SCS forum, thats how I'm doing it at least. Did you only crack one of the Sinmints?
man guys do i havr some crazy news... i got jacked out of 650$
and if that wasnt enough i got jacked in the eyes by 3 different guys..
two huhe black eyes latrr...fml:fire::fire::oops::oops:
Ouch man that sucks! Rough night for sure.

So I asked my wife about the pics, and she said she used a variety of different free Iphone apps to do them, and started listing the names of about 6 different apps................ugh! So anyway heres one she did tonight.
Thats my strawberry I just took down, theres a few more on my thread. She is VERY frosty, and has a nice sweet smell can't wait to see how she smokes. Just trimming the 2 stems in that pic I got a 1/4 gram of pretty clean charas off my hands.
Smokey...bro, you need to hybernate for a while man. Friends just bring you down man. I told all mine to fuck off years ago before i grew up. And ive never looked back. Always be at the vantage point in your life man, if you elevate yourself, your life will follow. :):):)
that is the same thing i tell my daughter, but she doesn't listen. i ran most everybody off too, and it sure made a difference.

Smokey...bro, you need to hybernate for a while man. Friends just bring you down man. I told all mine to fuck off years ago before i grew up. And ive never looked back. Always be at the vantage point in your life man, if you elevate yourself, your life will follow. :):):)
Ok guys.. got a :??: to run by y'all, and some news!! ;) well both the Simint & Fucking Incrediable broke open there shell & are shooting there tap out.. ;) Yaaaayyy!!
So what I was wondering was if I should just make a seperate journal for them in the "grow journal fourms", or just do it here with all the other strains?? I know that I will be doing a journal over at Sincity's fourms, being the rep I spoke with asked if I would join there fourm, and insted of shooting him emails, just to post my journals there, aswell as here! ;)

So let me know what y'all think bout it?? Thanks, Dank..
My suggestion to do it separate, so you can have a link for each one you are trying and it's not so confusing for 'some' of us to keep up.
man guys do i havr some crazy news... i got jacked out of 650$
and if that wasnt enough i got jacked in the eyes by 3 different guys..
two huhe black eyes latrr...fml:fire::fire::oops::oops:
Obviously you don't carry.
Sorry to hear that, but what happened man?
Sounds like somebody needs to re-evaluate the peeps he hangs out with and places he goes and be more aware of his surroundings.:o
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I hate being sick! My body turned inside out the last few days so that I could see my insides. Anyways....seems I've missed quite a bit again. Dank, I plant my seeds the depth of the seed into the soil. But I don't germ in soil, I use the cup of water method. And i havent had one take over 3 days. i usually use the cup of water for 2 days and then to soil. Theyll be showing the next day. FWIW. Glad to hear your jungle girls are well. I've cut my stacked kush and she's currently drying. Well, I'm off to enjoy a stoners speedball....coffee and chronic, first thing in the morning!
Hey guys! I sure hope that everyone is doing good tonight.. :??:
Where'd every body go!? Lol.. Well, anyways I wanted to run something past y'all.. I believe I have a "problem"!! :cuss: Ok, idk if y'all remember me telling you that I was going to start a new strain that a "new" found friend hooked me up with, not to mention any names! The strain was "Madness"! And boy does it got me MAD! Lol... I guess that's why they named it that! :??: ;) Anyways I started "teo" of the 9 beans on the 15th. Well, I've been keeping the soil "moist" but not "soaked", and just keeping an eye on um, and nothing! Today is the 18th, and I know its just been 3 days, but hell I am use to those beans that you put in the paper towel & 5 to 6 hours later there popped! Y'all know what I am talking about.... :mrgreen: The beans where kinda "whiteish" looking, I know that doesn't mean all that much, hell some of my "best" plants have been some of the "worst" looking seeds & you'd think that it wouldn't turn out!! There all a nice size, just that whiteish color like said. Idk really what to think honestly.. :( like said theve been in the soil now for 3 days & neither 1 has poked there heads up to tell me hello.. So I barely brushed the soil to the side so I could get a look at them, and that is what I found in the picture. Maybe its just me!! I know I'm use to thoe that are up in a day! Lol.. Do y'all have any thoughts on the matter??? :??:
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