For the sake of attempting to make clear what was not made so clear by my use of the English language.
I admit reading this again I can see how someone sensitive to how I formed my sentence could easily not knowing the person who wrote it take notice. Taking notice is not an license to come out and accuse someone of being a racist.
Here is what was posted and other's liked.... I made a comment informing stew that unless he is a bitch he can't use that word, that he would have to be qualified by experiencing the menstrual cycle. It is my knowledge and well know that most people who use the word nigger are generally black people that refer to themselves that way, no self respecting human being black or otherwise would call themselves a degrading name. Yet it is only degrading when people who are not identified by their skin color as earning that badge of honor when it is used that way. Therefore it is hypocrisy to the max, words are again as I explained earlier equivocal not unequivocal, that is to say they take on the meaning in the context they are used. So when another person who can identify with the original meaning of the word nigger which had no original negative connotation but a person whose skin is dark colored, they can say "nigger" to another person who also identifies with the same color and it takes on the meaning in which it is delivered and it is accepted mostly as affection or recognition and Identity. But if you don't have that identity you can't say nigger because now instead of a equivocal meaning, that is the context in which it is communicated it becomes and offense and take an immediate unequivocal negative connotation associated with it.
The only way this word nigger loses its power to inflame is the hypocrisy has to stop and you have to allow everyone to use it, thus it loses it power for if I can say nigger in a loving affectionate respectful way around my homies then what is your problem? Say when I say that is like using the N word unless you are one, the question should be what do you mean by one? Which I think was orginally asked and because I was using the circumstances of can't call someone a name unless you identify with that name I did not mean one as in Nigger the negative taboo concatenation that was applied and I failed to clarify myself again to MD on this matter and I thought by what did I mean by one question of her's that she was baiting me to say bitch as to which I implied I cannot unless I identify , thus my comment to her okay BEACH trying not to call her bitch directly but give into what I thought was playfulness on her part for me to call her a Bitch. So I again I replied please clarify if I had not made myself clear that I am not a racist and not sure how you formulated that. So next round I get the picture when she puts in quotes my use of unless you are one.
So again one is used not derogatory but as one that identifies with that as a Badge of honor, Like you do Melissa concerning the word bitch or you would of objected to a prick referring to himself as one and I mean prick as in male dude that bitches fuck with!
- [h=2]
Originally Posted by MD914 
Who you calling a BITCH?
Yeah that's like using the N word right, unless you are one you can't say it.... LMAO
You have to go through a menstrual cycle first Stew before you can say that ... LMAO
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