Danky's White Rhino with T5's


Active Member
So i went and picked up a 4x8x6.5 foot Secret Jardin DR 240w on Craigslist for super cheap and i am getting a light mover/rail system on monday. this run is going to be AWESOME


Active Member
Fucking light fell some time in the last hour.. not a good day. Lost all but 3.. I want to rip my fucking eyeballs out right now


Active Member
So i found some spider mites on a few of the little ones in my veg room, any tips on killing these little fuckers? ive heard dawn soap works but i am skeptical has anyone tried it?

Born Again Vegan

Active Member
Nice journal bro awesome buds you n ure T5's have produced! Got a few white rhinos myself at 45 days, waiting is hell when you're broke :(
Way back got a new massive air cooled hood halfway through flower, went and checked the ladies in the morning and it had broke the tent rail and landed splat on top of my grow. There was alot of swearing and tears lol only a couple of survivors.
Any way look forward to ure next grow