Dannyboy602- Busted


Well-Known Member
I'm glad your okay. I hope the other pieces of shit get caught! They are the ones that need to be punished!


Well-Known Member
Wow sucks for Danny, but man what kind of moderators does this forum have? We have a racist bigot and another telling us he'd kill off three guys over pot? That's pathetic and not how leading members of a cannabis community should act. It's one thing for members with no credibility to talk like that, but moderators? Really??
Offing them isn't about the pot. It's about offing someone who forces themselves into your home. Fuck what they wanted to take. I don't care what they came for. I don't grow, so if three people broke into my house it wouldn't be to steal weed, but if I shot them I sure as hell wouldn't be shooting them "over the TV." I'd be shooting them over the fact that they broke into my fucking house.


Well-Known Member
not at all. but why is it that you delete our posts but not potpimps? that's what i'm asking. seems to me that he started the derailing of the thread making it a racial issues. EVERYONE with the exception of 1 or 2 people in the thread agree. so far about 5-6 people have commented that his remarks were irrelevant and stupid. so if you are getting rid of the trash in this thread then let's get rid of his too. doesn't seem fair that you leave racial comments up in a thread that has to do with Danny's arrest and people wishing him the best of luck.
It's because you're black.

(I had to)


Well-Known Member
Danny I hope everything works out for you. I'm glad you're out right now. Let us know if you need anything. I'll totally go to PA and picket...whoever.


Well-Known Member
Am I still on a busted grow thread? What's all this whining about who's posts did or did not get deleted? Who cares Which posts I wanna know WHY? This is still America, the home of the free to do as your told? We still do live under the illusion we have free speech or has everyone just accepted and gone on with their pussy lives? George W Bush first I hear of an fdd likely going away for a really really long time for no good reason at all and now this poor disabled dude gets fuckin robbed by thugs with and without badges both armed and my freakin marijuana grow forum website is full of crybaby's asking why Their post was deleted and why wasn't so and so's.... Hello!? WHY would any posts be deleted? We are all adults I imagine if someone posts where my grow is and the exact locations of the land mines in my front yard, then yes Delete it otherwise wtf? Sorry about your shitty luck Danny! If someone gets me to PA I'm happy to protest with Rainbow, it may even be fun.


Well-Known Member
Fuckin A I will never sleep, I got the local news on for some reason and they won't shut up about the FL kid, Martin having THC in his system! Shut up! Aghhh, I am losing it, shut the dumb bitch up!


Well-Known Member
Your lawyer should be able to get your charges dropped. Evidence obtained illegally isn't admissible in court. They will be pissed about it and I'd move but no charges should stick.


Sector 5 Moderator
The whole thing stinks. At the absolute worst they should take the pot, drop the charges, give him back all his growing equipment and leave him alone. Danny, you're in my thoughts my friend. I'm just really glad you got an attorney.


Well-Known Member
my atty is on it. one thug was caught. he's 19-20. facing 15-20 for attempted murder. after he sits and stews for a while he'll sing like a bird. i walked around the block today appologizing to the neighbors. i never wanted to bring this kind of attention to where we live. LOL...If i had all that money the newspsper said...I'd be totally gone...haha...but i never produced more than a half pound/month. It's very had to make anything indoors. I need sunshine....in another state. ha

DAM hope for the best.. good luck

why does this happen to people that mean no harm.


Well-Known Member
I feel you on not growing dan....
Atleast you didn't get shot though,this bullshit could of been way worse.I wish you the best in all of this and I hope the cops catch everyone of them dickheads that had anything to do with this.You always seemed like a decent guy on here and didn't deserve this shit to happen to you.Good luck in your upcoming court hearings.I know it sucks thinking about it but 6 months and house arrest isn't bad at all for what you got caught with and I hear george hill isn't that bad.
oh thank god. i thought he was talking years!


New Member
my atty is on it. one thug was caught. he's 19-20. facing 15-20 for attempted murder. after he sits and stews for a while he'll sing like a bird. i walked around the block today appologizing to the neighbors. i never wanted to bring this kind of attention to where we live. LOL...If i had all that money the newspsper said...I'd be totally gone...haha...but i never produced more than a half pound/month. It's very had to make anything indoors. I need sunshine....in another state. ha
I feel for you regarding the armed break in. I have had that happen to me before. I have had the police in my home to investigate while my crop was in a back room. Very scary on both levels.

I do however have one BIG concern with your grow. Why such large plant count? If the story online is true there were over 200 plants. These huge grows are not good. Also I can get half a pound a month easy growing less than 25 plants indoors.

I HATE the fact that any non violent person gets arrested for growing. I just don't understand why people take a mile when we given an inch. Keep the grows smaller.

Flame on.


Well-Known Member
my atty is on it. one thug was caught. he's 19-20. facing 15-20 for attempted murder. after he sits and stews for a while he'll sing like a bird. i walked around the block today appologizing to the neighbors. i never wanted to bring this kind of attention to where we live. LOL...If i had all that money the newspsper said...I'd be totally gone...haha...but i never produced more than a half pound/month. It's very had to make anything indoors. I need sunshine....in another state. ha
I live in a cave near Pakistan but I know a cool NorCal grow home who'd love your experience I am certain, want me to pass it on? They are Sun Worshipers! Outdoor is by far the only real way if you can it's a damn shame it hidden indoors:peace: