Dark Green Spots / Some Yellowing


First grow with no experience so forgive my jumpiness.

Using Black Gold Organic soil (0.5 / 0.0 / 0.0)
Been vegging 24 days
PH is even 7.0
Using air-declorinated water
So far I've been nuting with General Organics BioRoot / CaMG+ and BioThrive
Feeding schedule is every 7 days on the money
Growing 1-2" under a 125 Watt CFL

Plant is doing very well overall but a couple of small observations:

24 Days Since Pot - Health 1.jpg24 Days Since Pot - Health 2.jpg

L> - Dark green discoloration has formed on a lower leaf and only one. Texture is like a fine grit sandpaper over the dark green spots. Best information I could find is a possible phosphorous deficiency. Sound about right?

R> - Some yellowing and slight deformation on about four lower leaves and have no clue what might be the cause.

I've noticed some tiny flies around the plant over the last week. Just noticed the green discoloration today but the yellowing has been going on for about a week.


New growth looks very good to me however..

24 Days Since Pot.jpg


Well-Known Member
First, stop pulling leaves off them.
Next, can you give some pics of the plant itself?
I also think you're a bit early for the nutes, you say 'every 7 days', but they're only 24 days old.- how long you been doing that?
First, stop pulling leaves off them.
Next, can you give some pics of the plant itself?
I also think you're a bit early for the nutes, you say 'every 7 days', but they're only 24 days old.- how long you been doing that?
Should I not cut off the leaves on only to see how they develop (depending on any treatment strategy)?

Yeah, I started running double the nutes since the second feeding - 2 Tbsp / gal. Last feeding I went straight water. Based on what I've been picking up I should have delayed the nutes until after a node or two. I get that now.

Based on the development and overall look of the plant it looks like I was just a little jumpy. The yellowing "deformed" leaves are holding to three overall (one of which I cut off) and the dark green spots only hit one leaf so far. Here's what I got...

26 Days.jpg26 Days 2.jpg26 Days 4.jpg

New growth is no longer browning...

Thanks for checking in...
30 Days - Health 3.jpg30 Days - Health 4.jpg

Old problem no longer advancing but now I got this ^^ Magnesium deficiency? Something else? It's on nodes 1 and 3 affecting multiple leaves so there's some concern..

It's been five days since last feed (down from 7 day cycle), soil was dry. Last feed was water only. Added nutrients this time.

(edit to add) - Plant is 30 days veg cycle in 3 gal pot. I was reading somewhere that fan could be causing this as I have it directly on plant for light cycle. No oscillation.

Top looks healthy at least..

30 Days.jpg

Big thanks!!!