Dark purple color - should I be worried?

Heatwave. East of San Diego. Temps have been mid to upper 90's for months. The tent is right by a west facing window....it's sunny every single day. I haven't seen it rain in over 2 months. Even with drapes and a sun visor up, the room still gets a bit warm. I can't keep the Temps under 90 even with central ac going. 3 fans, growing at night, and I can't put the tent anywhere else. I may put it back in the garage for winter. Once these 2 wrap up.
assessment. Get a window unit. Or a mini split, or one of those little floor units.
Won't do it, your thermostat aint in there. When temp is good at thermostat it kicks off. You need something cooling just that room,
Well... it’s cooling my 600w HPS and venting back out of the tent. I have an exhaust fan pulling in air to keep my temps down