Dark Room Louvers and a PC power supply to create a Passive Intake

i read that the dark room louvers restrict a lot of air that comes in

im going to use a pc power supply fan as an exhaust and wire up 3 more fans to suck air out of the chamber through 3 home made filter. however, i have 3 questions

1) the rule of thumb is that the passive intake size should be the same size as your exhaust fan, if i use the dark room louvers do i need to compensate for this general rule by doubling it or will the exhaust just create a negative pressure which sucks air from outside? should i install intake fans on the louvers?

2) how does the fan on a power supply work, i understand it sucks in air, but where does it ventilate to? , the grow box tutorial i read used a power supply fan as an exhaust fan but also wired up the power supply to two exhaust tubes which acted as carbon filters (sucking from the chamber). Does a power supply fan simply draw the air up to cool the power supply and than just redirect the hot air back down?

3) what if my passive intake holes are bigger than my exhaust? what about vice versa?
1. Depends on the air resistance of the filter and if you want to create a negative pressure environment.

2. The fan pulls air from one location and puches it into another location. You determine the from and to.

3. If the passive holes are bigger then you might get air leaving the intake holes. Vice versa will create negative pressure in your grow area if the fan can handle the air resistance through the filter.
I'll be using four 3" pipes loosely stuffed with fish filter carbon and attach 80/120mm fans to each one so as to Suck air from in the chamber through the filters. isn't every grow room trying to create negative pressure? Is there cons to negative pressure?

There is also only one fan on my power supply, it'll Suck in the air but has no other fan to redirect the air elsewhere, so how do I control where my power supply pushes it's excess air to?

I assumed my exhaust fans would act as a straw to forcefully Suck in the air from outside using what ever opening it could to get air. If the louvers restrict air intake How many dark room louvers would I need with the filter setup I've told u ( four 3" pipes with fish filter carbon)