Dark time before flower???


Well-Known Member
Hi all, well like the title says does putting your girls in the dark for 24 hrs before you start 12/12 really do any good??? or does it cause unnecessary stress?? there seems to be conflicting opinions on this subject.what do u all do?? go straight to flower time or put her in the dark first???
also my flower space is 4x6x7ft what amount of cfm fan would i need for exhaust?? im doing passive intake

thanks for reading CG.


Active Member
IMHO it seems pointless. And a waste of 24 hours (technically 12hours) that could have been good growth. I go straight to 12/12 but mostly because i run two batches at a time. I do however switch them right before they sleep. So they get technically get 18/12. I guess it depends on how your timers are setup.


Well-Known Member
ok thanks kush,thats what i'll do then just put them straight to 12/12.im hoping to put one into flower every month so i can harvest enough percy to keep me in a constant free supply of good bud.sick fed up of paying dealers for block weed crap most of the weight is seeds:evil:


Well-Known Member
I have heard about growers swearing that 24 hours of dark are a good idea right before harvesting.
Doing that between veg and flowering modes is a new one on me.

I would tend not to believe this is a good idea. When we manipulate the lights we try to do so in a way
that emphasizes Mother Nature's rules. Example -- switching from 18/6 to 12/12 is designed to mimic the
days getting shorter. There is nothing in nature that is anything like a 24-hour period of darkness every August.
Just because it is counter-intuitive and I haven't heard of it doesn't mean there aren't benefits I don't know about.



Well-Known Member
Hi all, well like the title says does putting your girls in the dark for 24 hrs before you start 12/12 really do any good??? or does it cause unnecessary stress?? there seems to be conflicting opinions on this subject.what do u all do?? go straight to flower time or put her in the dark first???
also my flower space is 4x6x7ft what amount of cfm fan would i need for exhaust?? im doing passive intake

thanks for reading CG.
I use to do that a long time ago because I was taught that it helps aclimate the plant to the new photoperiod. I do not anymore because I dont experience too much stress when I flip the photoperiod. Also when I was putting them in dark prior to flower there was no sound evidence that it lessened the amount of switching plants to a different photoperiod. Plus you would be losing a day not unless you counted that dark period as your day one in flower. And your exhaust fan you want it in a ratio of 1:4 in terms of cfm's. Meaning the one representing your intake and your 4 representing your exhaust its so you generate negative pressure in your room.


Well-Known Member
Straight to 12/12 with them in my rooom.

It will never cease to amuse me the myriad and stupidly simple ways pot grower have thought of and waste money on over the years to try and increase yield. Bloom boosters, bud exploders, soil cleaners, nails through the stem, flushing for harvest, flushing for virtually any reason, and the old standby, 24 or 36 or 72 hours darkness before bud removal. And on and on....

At least we seem to have stamped down the 'peeing on your plants' crowd, lol.


Active Member
putting a nail through the stem is under the same principle of supercropping.. causes small damage, makes the plant repair itself then the result should be more vigorous side growth


Well-Known Member
That's why LST supercropping was invented. The damage from the twisted stem (or nail) actually slows the overall growth of the plant as it recovers. Thus the Low Stress Training.