I buy from the OCS (Ontario Cannabis Store, online) or buy an ounce from Tweed or Tokyo Smoke (storefronts) when I head to the city for a medical appointment.Thanks for the responses. @Kalebaiden when you say access to legal mail-order weed sites, what are those. Basically I have my own setup but can’t produce at the rate that I consume. Tired of buying from the street because the quality changes and I almost always get shorted in quantity.
That's what its like on the dark web.quality changes and I almost always get shorted
Back when I was doing other drugs I ordered a lot of them on the dark web and never got ripped off. Everything was much higher quality than what I was finding on the streets, too. I never ordered bud because it seemed more dangerous to me, being so smelly and voluminous for a drug, but also because I was happy enough with what I was getting here.
I assume that the dealers have a pretty good system, or they'd just be getting caught all the time. It's probably as safe or safer than buying on the street.
I know someone that was buying stuff and reselling it. It all went fine until they got ripped off for around 4 bitcoin. I don't associate with that individual because I don't want anything to do with anyone involved with hard drugs.