darkness before flower?

Cheech Wizard

Well-Known Member
Hey all, I have had 4 succesful harvests and feel I have my game down but.... I am growing MK Ultra and was recently reading tips from Adam at THSeeds and he suggests 36 hours darkness before switching to flower.... could this in anyway stress my babies? He says the darkness will save a week or so because the plant will go straight into flowering mode rather than taking a week to aclimate to the change.... Any thoughts on this???? Thanks peace


Well-Known Member
It tells the plant that its time to flower.

Some say it helps and some say it does not. Its to send a signal to the plant to flower.


New Member
I go into flower next tues, 1 week today, if it fecks up my pride and joy Barneys LSD am going looking for Adam at THSEEDS and ill be tooled up.


Well-Known Member
I think it works. Make sense if ya thin k about it. It give the plant a definite time to flower.


Well-Known Member
i use that i go for 36 hours before flower then at lights on i give bud blood once

at end of flower i do a lights out for 43 hours to remove Chlorophyll

luck to you my brother


Well-Known Member
I tryed it a couple of times and it didn't seem to help. If your plant is mature enough to flower it shouldn't take a long time to switch. When I put my clones under 12/12(no dark period before) they are budding in about 6-7 days(you'll see calxys forming all over the place). This happens everytime too. I rarly get a clone that takes longer then this to start flowering. This is all because my mother is mature enough to start flowering. My mother plant is almost 6 months old.

Cheech Wizard

Well-Known Member
Hey guys... well, I tried the darkness for 36 hours and gave small ammount of flowering nutes and had the HPS on for a day when i realized i should have let them veg a bit bigger... so I put the MH back in and am gonna let them veg for another week or so so they can get a bit bigger... will that have any adverse effects on them? I dont think it will but then again i have never switched to flower and then switched back to veg.... I get worried