Darkness before harvest??

Hello everyone.
I have read that it is good to go dark for 2 days before I chop them down. I'm curious if this is a good idea and why? Appreciate any help.

ink the world

Well-Known Member
I bet you find pretty quick theres a good amount of debate on the subject. The only real way to tell is to try it yourself and see what YOU think.

Personally, i give them 4 days of dark before harvest. For me with some of the strains I run i saw a difference, not all strains but some. Im on a perpetual harvest so EVERYTHING in my gardens is on a schedule, i just built the darkness into my schedule. Try it and see what you think man, half the fun of gardening is trying new stuff and seeing what works best for you.

I keep mine in the dark for two to three days before harvest. I have noticed a difference in 'sugar' on the buds this way.
The reason I do it is because I understand that the plant actually starts the curing process early by initiating the breakdown in chlorophyll, due to lack of light. I can't say conclusively if this is a fact or fiction, but it doesn't hurt my girls any.