***DAT's Art Cave***

Amazing wow
Very organic flow again wow
Edit I see human form still wow
Thanks Leeski! I got the inspiration for that drawing a patients scan that I saw. It’s showed the uptake of her recent Covid 3rd shot and I thought it was so inspiring and cool looking to see it actually moving through her arm and into her lymphatic system.
last year when the pandemic first stated I did a bunch of Covid art and then after a couple months stopped and moved into zombie art. So this is the first Covid related art have done for over a year and it’s kinda cool because it has to do with the vaccination . I was really trying to keep it simple and very to the point of what I saw in the scan.
it is my break through piece . This is how I was able to pick up my pencil again and now I can’t stop drawing ! I started another drawing of a very unusual Mohawk looking Bud I have growing right now. It’s so coo!
Hey Doc! Happy Daze to you and yours.

The drawing looks super cool and I can def. feel the fun/energy that went into it. Did you finish it off?
Hopefully you do some more pencil stuff... It's really flowing here you can tell it was enjoyed

I am about to go get espresso, on the double. I'm late... But while it's fresh on my mind

Low and behold ;

I've got a question/project and want to ask about your comissions/collaboration if you're so inclined.

Can you send a message if you're interested in taking on an art project? I am unable to send a message.

Was talking to Nostril on here too but will probably end up working with a few more people.

If you're too busy or the likes, Don't sweat it.
I always enjoy your updates and maybe I can just buy something regular when you make an online store.

Plant seed & be free :blsmoke:
Hey Doc! Happy Daze to you and yours.

The drawing looks super cool and I can def. feel the fun/energy that went into it. Did you finish it off?
Hopefully you do some more pencil stuff... It's really flowing here you can tell it was enjoyed

I am about to go get espresso, on the double. I'm late... But while it's fresh on my mind

Low and behold ;

I've got a question/project and want to ask about your comissions/collaboration if you're so inclined.

Can you send a message if you're interested in taking on an art project? I am unable to send a message.

Was talking to Nostril on here too but will probably end up working with a few more people.

If you're too busy or the likes, Don't sweat it.
I always enjoy your updates and maybe I can just buy something regular when you make an online store.

Plant seed & be free :blsmoke:
Hi !
No I haven’t finished it yet .
I like the process of drawing and coming across new shapes and I get super excited when things happen that look cool but looking at the entire drawing as a whole is very problematic for me. I love some detail but then I get rid of them because I feel like they don’t work for the entire package as an end piece.
the actual process of drawing is more enjoyable then the finished project.
I am looking at this drawing at this point and I don’t like the little leaves that I drew because I don’t feel like they go with the flow I want to create but they were fun to do. So all these questions and decisions. Sometimes I wonder if it’s fun or torture . Lol but it’s like thisfucked up energy I have. Oh well, it’s harmless and passes the time.
I will finish it in the dark with black lights on. Perhaps do a series of these . Call it “the black light party series” and hang them at the “black light coffee shop” where the weed and coffee are very strong. The coffee shop is only in black light setting all hours of the day.
And all that looks AWESOME
Thanks Jeff.
I worked on that painting more.
here it is with black lights on.it really changed. Lol.
This bird approaches me Very Closely today because it smelled my food. I think. At first I was like wow, cool, but after closer reflection that beak and those claws could really hurt. Never feed wild animals.
I had some scary encounters with wild goats in Washington state and wild squirrels in the Grand Canyon.
the agressive goat I met on the mountain actually ended up killing some other hiker the following week after I met up with it . I got some really cool picture of the goat and framed it . the day I hung it on my wall was the day I heard he killed the hiker! Gouged it’s horn right into his femoral artery and he bled out on the mountain to die while the goat stood by and wouldn’t let anyone help the dying man. Then the rangers came and shot the goat. So then every time I looked at the picture I saw this terrible killer.
This bird could do some serious damnage with that long beak and sharp claws. But she sure is pretty.