***DAT's Art Cave***

Yes, Picasso has been a big influence on me. Absolutely. And Matisse. Especially the cut outs.

F'ing Picasso....f'ing love it , covet it..........that old hound had his head all the " ladies" dresses. Something Freudian going on here......the paint brush and his special paintbrush ( held a shit-ton" of stuff ! ). Hi Amber.....you been trucking dude, do it why ya can.....adventure before dementia ! Upward on onward to higher ground !
F'ing Picasso....f'ing love it , covet it..........that old hound had his head all the " ladies" dresses. Something Freudian going on here......the paint brush and his special paintbrush ( held a shit-ton" of stuff ! ). Hi Amber.....you been trucking dude, do it why ya can.....adventure before dementia ! Upward on onward to higher ground !
What have you been up to? Yesterday the sunset was gorgeous and I missed being out in it . Found a sunset spot today though, so won’t miss that again!! Every window I looked out of at my house I saw different colors. One window was pink and blue , the other window was fire orange , yellows and blues, purple and blue. It was intense. Then it hit me, when you drive into Colorado and see the welcome sign it reads, Welcome to Colorful Colorado. It is. I went for the sunset tonight. Not quite as bright but softly delightfully. I love how these mountains have a copper gold color to them. Plenty of deer out and about.
What have you been up to? Yesterday the sunset was gorgeous and I missed being out in it . Found a sunset spot today though, so won’t miss that again!! Every window I looked out of at my house I saw different colors. One window was pink and blue , the other window was fire orange , yellows and blues, purple and blue. It was intense. Then it hit me, when you drive into Colorado and see the welcome sign it reads, Welcome to Colorful Colorado. It is. I went for the sunset tonight. Not quite as bright but softly delightfully. I love how these mountains have a copper gold color to them. Plenty of deer out and about.
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So very nice to hear from you ! I catch all your photos...like I said " you've been trucking ! " ...I've always thrived out of doors...still do , don't go inside hours after dark. It's funny you talk about sunsets , now that's my jam ! Walk these country roads every twilight with my hound Wally ( great f'ing creature ) looking for the " show "...the magic ! That perfect lighting ( in my opinion) comes and goes in an instant . It's no wonder you are an artist and love art ! In my grow room there is a pretty big picture of Picasso's " Guernica"....a statement you could say concerning the bombing of civilians ( first time in history ) by fucking Nazis in Spain during the 1930's . I f'ing love art , really f'ing love it ! So many artist blow me the f away !
Just ran down cellar to take pic of Guernica.......timer trip lights off...shit ! I'll send you a pic tomorrow, not that you cannot see it online, but mine is cooler . An X-mas present from my kids ( they were weened on art ). I'm gonna shut-the-fuck up now !
What have you been up to? Yesterday the sunset was gorgeous and I missed being out in it . Found a sunset spot today though, so won’t miss that again!! Every window I looked out of at my house I saw different colors. One window was pink and blue , the other window was fire orange , yellows and blues, purple and blue. It was intense. Then it hit me, when you drive into Colorado and see the welcome sign it reads, Welcome to Colorful Colorado. It is. I went for the sunset tonight. Not quite as bright but softly delightfully. I love how these mountains have a copper gold color to them. Plenty of deer out and about.
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There was a killer Picasso show in Seattle back in like 2010 or 2011 or so. It had that print you have and a lot more. It was such a great show we went 3 times while it was up. The lighting around this area is intense and the rocks and mountains and valleys are beautiful. There are so many hiking trails as well. So I will like to be here until I have completely explored and investigated the entire area . Unfortunately it’s snowing quite heavily right now and might be sticking around for a while. I hope it melts off the roads and trails. Once it warms up it’s going to be amazing .
Have you ever been to the Louvre?
There was a killer Picasso show in Seattle back in like 2010 or 2011 or so. It had that print you have and a lot more. It was such a great show we went 3 times while it was up. The lighting around this area is intense and the rocks and mountains and valleys are beautiful. There are so many hiking trails as well. So I will like to be here until I have completely explored and investigated the entire area . Unfortunately it’s snowing quite heavily right now and might be sticking around for a while. I hope it melts off the roads and trails. Once it warms up it’s going to be amazing .
Have you ever been to the Louvre?

I f'ing wish ......sounds like Nivana ! I even love that godamn snow ( snow sculptures...x-country skiing)...The show I imagine was astounding. From what I know the canvas he used for this powerful piece was pretty damn big . I use to truck around , stay pretty local anymore. Put on a shit-load of miles.....traveled so much for 40yrs. , I now prefer being a homebody.....in the woods with the hounds ,
on the water , hiking the gorges......you take care , have a blast , and most importantly......stay chill ! I'm just taking a guess that your brain goes a million miles an hour . That can be exhausting !
I f'ing wish ......sounds like Nivana ! I even love that godamn snow ( snow sculptures...x-country skiing)...The show I imagine was astounding. From what I know the canvas he used for this powerful piece was pretty damn big . I use to truck around , stay pretty local anymore. Put on a shit-load of miles.....traveled so much for 40yrs. , I now prefer being a homebody.....in the woods with the hounds ,
on the water , hiking the gorges......you take care , have a blast , and most importantly......stay chill ! I'm just taking a guess that your brain goes a million miles an hour . That can be exhausting !
NIRVANA NOT f'ing Nivana....I hate when I do that !
I f'ing wish ......sounds like Nivana ! I even love that godamn snow ( snow sculptures...x-country skiing)...The show I imagine was astounding. From what I know the canvas he used for this powerful piece was pretty damn big . I use to truck around , stay pretty local anymore. Put on a shit-load of miles.....traveled so much for 40yrs. , I now prefer being a homebody.....in the woods with the hounds ,
on the water , hiking the gorges......you take care , have a blast , and most importantly......stay chill ! I'm just taking a guess that your brain goes a million miles an hour . That can be exhausting !
lol. It’s like you know me . I want to see your gorges. Please show me .
The snow cleared and a blue sky emerged behind the sleeping Ute. When I looked over at her it was awe inspiring to say the least. OMG. Pictures cannot come close to how beautiful this mountain looked this morning. I was coming up with some ideas for sketches last night. Started looking at drawing desks and ordered 2 new clip on lights. I have this vision ….. of bricks a window and a stream. There is so much to do and see around here. I thought the snow might slow me down but after this snowfall, I don’t think so. 2D981C28-3054-4BBC-83C5-5B0B35560944.jpeg
lol. It’s like you know me . I want to see your gorges. Please show me .
The snow cleared and a blue sky emerged behind the sleeping Ute. When I looked over at her it was awe inspiring to say the least. OMG. Pictures cannot come close to how beautiful this mountain looked this morning. I was coming up with some ideas for sketches last night. Started looking at drawing desks and ordered 2 new clip on lights. I have this vision ….. of bricks a window and a stream. There is so much to do and see around here. I thought the snow might slow me down but after this snowfall, I don’t think so. View attachment 5242827
Oh...a poet / wordsmith too ! Now that kinda shit really " pushes my buttons !
A beautifull distillatonn of the imagery ! It's all so overwhelming too me , I love
It but wired tight.....it all gets my head spinning........there is an intangible urgeny......an uneasiness that has always haunted me. Being outdoors with " mother " always soothes that .
Oh...a poet / wordsmith too ! Now that kinda shit really " pushes my buttons !
A beautifull distillatonn of the imagery ! It's all so overwhelming too me , I love
It but wired tight.....it all gets my head spinning........there is an intangible urgeny......an uneasiness that has always haunted me. Being outdoors with " mother " always soothes that .
I rented an apartment in NJ and the window in the living room looked directly into a brick building .I realized I couldn’t live there and backed out. Now I am still thinking about bricks. As a junior hs art teacher my favoritegroup project was having the students build tiny clay brick buildings. They seemed to hate it but the final city they built was so beautiful. Little bastard had no clue. It was heartbreaking.

I rented an apartment in NJ and the window in the living room looked directly into a brick building .I realized I couldn’t live there and backed out. Now I am still thinking about bricks. As a junior hs art teacher my favoritegroup project was having the students build tiny clay brick buildings. They seemed to hate it but the final city they built was so beautiful. Little bastard had no clue. It was heartbreaking.

Perhaps you should stay out in nature in Mother's womb , where you are truly happy ! ( I'm sure ya would if ya could ) . I did environmental field testing for 40 yrs
......outdoors most of the time...very minimal indoor office/cubicle/cage time. I think we were meant to be " free range " !