***DAT's Art Cave***

Great news!’ I am rehire-able in Arizona. :p
Interview went great.
Offer comes next week.
I rejected Atlanta and Templeton Ca.
however a new prospect entered the field today.
A private a clinic in San Jose is very interested in me. Scheduled interview on Tuesday. San jose is hella expensive and they would have to pay me very well, but even then, my prospects of ever having a decent sized place to live seem far out of reach and owning impossible. I could take it and save carefully with intent to leave eventually but it would be nice just to settle down permanently and Az is def more affordable. Any thoughts ?
Great news!’ I am rehire-able in Arizona. :p
Interview went great.
Offer comes next week.
I rejected Atlanta and Templeton Ca.
however a new prospect entered the field today.
A private a clinic in San Jose is very interested in me. Scheduled interview on Tuesday. San jose is hella expensive and they would have to pay me very well, but even then, my prospects of ever having a decent sized place to live seem far out of reach and owning impossible. I could take it and save carefully with intent to leave eventually but it would be nice just to settle down permanently and Az is def more affordable. Any thoughts ?
Well if it is time for you guys to settle down I think that you will know it just make sure that you make an informed decision as far as I can tell you're highly intelligent motivated if you put your mind to it you're good to go :hump: :peace: wishing you and your other haft the best of luck with your next adventure
Well if it is time for you guys to settle down I think that you will know it just make sure that you make an informed decision as far as I can tell you're highly intelligent motivated if you put your mind to it you're good to go :hump: :peace: wishing you and your other haft the best of luck with your next adventure
Thanks. I should have enough life experience to make a good decision at this point ( I’d hope) because I have made soooo many mistakes and failed moves in my life. I am really thinking this next move over very carefully because this current living situation and work assignment made me realize a lot about the what I need to be able to be in touch with my creative side …..and where I am most likely to find more inspiration.
Something close to Sedona, AZ? Good luck Amber.
Yes, thank you!
As someone in and from Az, we would love to have you here!
Thank you! I lived in Southern Az for a couple years and it was fun but a little too hot. I think Northern Az is a much better fit for me. I am already thinking about visiting the Grand Canyon when it’s covered in Snow. That would blow my mind I’m sure. I like the idea of being within driving distance to my favorite national parks and hitting them in the off season.
This is your song Amber :)
I need to get to Europe really. I am seriously thinking about just packing a bag and going for like 6 months. My life is so unplanned and unpredictable and it changes so fast. These last couple months and my anxiety with these 13 week assignments living in these uncomfortable furnished apartments has changed me. Everything we own fits into one car: now is the time to do it. But if not now then .it might be something I actually might plan if i settle down.
I need to get to Europe really. I am seriously thinking about just packing a bag and going for like 6 months. My life is so unplanned and unpredictable and it changes so fast. These last couple months and my anxiety with these 13 week assignments living in these uncomfortable furnished apartments has changed me. Everything we own fits into one car: now is the time to do it. But if not now then .it might be something I actually might plan if i settle down.
You're one of the bravest people I know.
You're one of the bravest people I know.
That’s very kind of you to give me such an awesome compliment . I guess bravery can be viewed in many aspects. I don’t feel brave at all. I make these career decisions that are just so odd . And it’s all about timing and emotions. Here again, I just got off a teams meeting with a couple men who run a small private clinic in San Jose and I was very very impressed. The one dude was highly intelligent and understood the dynamics of the field very well. He seemed to really have a lot of respect for me and everything I asked if he had and didn’t he said he would get for me. Anything i needed he would make sure I got. It was just incredibly refreshing to have someone respect me right off the bat from my resume. I didn’t feel that with the young punk in Arizona. I could t stand the women from Dublin and her fast talking bullshit and starting at 5 am in the mornings, lol, that’s fucking insane.
No worries, she is very talented. I like the comically eyes and mouth.
if none of these 3 jobs pan out for some bizarre reason I have a new back up plan . My recruiter is desperate for me to extend this assignment and appears to be willing to throw more money my way. I opened a discussion with my partner about moving to another town , him quitting his current job that he hates and save and to stash away as much cash as possible the next 3 months. And during the next 3 months I will be planning a long backpacking journey through Europe for Sept thru November or longer.
Different kind of art, but I have been working on a book of poetry since January. I’ve put together a rough draft of a “chapbook” (I’ve been writing poetry my whole life and I didn’t know wtf a chapbook was til this year, but it’s a 20-30 page book of poetry, usually 20-25 poems). It kind of takes the path of my take on the search for, finding, maintaining, losing and rekindling true love. It loosely follows 7 years of my life in feelings, but all the poetry has been written from January 2024.


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Different kind of art, but I have been working on a book of poetry since January. I’ve put together a rough draft of a “chapbook” (I’ve been writing poetry my whole life and I didn’t know wtf a chapbook was til this year, but it’s a 20-30 page book of poetry, usually 20-25 poems). It kind of takes the path of my take on the search for, finding, maintaining, losing and rekindling true love. It loosely follows 7 years of my life in feelings, but all the poetry has been written from January 2024.
I can’t open it.
sounds heavy. My fav peot is Bukowski and George Carlin.