
There have been many deaths and hospitalizations from datura ingestion. The alkaloid content varies by region, season, plant, and even parts of plant. One time you may get no effect, next you may die, there is just no way to tell. Stay away!


I did this stuff one time. My co-worker told me what it was for the first time, and said he could sell me some. I bought one pod off him for like, 20 bucks.
I only took half the pod, but when I was lying in bed that night I couldn't get to sleep, and half of my bedroom ceiling was shaded, half had moon light on it, and the two halves of the ceiling kept fading back and forth across the room and switching places with each other. My co-worker said one Monday morning after being on Datura for over 24 hours previously, that he could see some hallucinated cartoon character on the foreman's shoulder.
This is probably something I'd like to take again.