Daves Aerogarden grow (with pics).


Well-Known Member
sounds like a good plan JG. goodluck man, post up some pics when you get the chance.
ill def. put up some pictures of the bud dried, i have 4 mason jars with the bud seperated nicely giving it some good dry out space. i have probably about 2 jars worth of bud still growing. all together ill probably totally fill 2 to 3 jars of bud. im pretty happy with the progress of curing/drying. when i get home at night i try a little bud to see how its coming, ive had the jars shut all day today and last night because it seemed too dry. we'll see how it comes out, it definetely gets me blazed though:joint::mrgreen: peace:peace:


Well-Known Member
wow man
I made some side lights with that cfl info you taught me
thx again
I know your chilling right about now


Active Member
Hi Dave,
I found your posts very helpful as I have just got an AG myself and will be trying Female Lowryder. I heve no experience. Your pics are very good.

Lady Roebuck.


Well-Known Member
last night i picked the rest of what i had. man i took me a little over an hour to do the trimming and i was in a good zone. holly shit i got fucked up doin it, i made myself a nice stiff whisky and ginger then packed up my one hitter with some of my already dried shit, my fingers were so triched i put them in my whisky ging. and rinsed 'em off in there, that fucked me up crazily. i did that like 3 times throughout the trimming. then i got to smoke about 8-10 hits of scissor hash. what a night, sad shit though pickin my last buds after this long grow time. but had to do it sometime and its def. worth it. ill post what i ended up with for weight when this last shit is dry. :joint::mrgreen:peace



Active Member
hey dave your grow was great! Im just starting my stealth aerogarden grow with Lowlife white russians! what nuts did you use for this grow?


Well-Known Member
heres the rest of my buddys stealthy grow, we picked the rest of his buds friday night. were figuring about a zip to a zip and a half off this. hes already pulled about 3 ounces out of the box on this grow. gonna end up with over a quarter pound.



Well-Known Member
Yo dave, how many plants did your buddy have in that box? I think i'm gonna go that route next time, and use the AG for cloning.


Well-Known Member
these 2 pics are the top colas we chopped off a couple weeks ago, very good size colas, not even comparable with the ones that were left in the box.

check out the difference....

W.O.W.... we grew 6 plants in that setup. theres actually a bigger size of the rubbermaid tubs, so you can fit more. we just built one for another buddy of mine for his house and its the biggest size they make, well actually we built 2 if them....were hoping to get about a pound combined. considering we got about 5 ounces off this box. any info needed hit me up man. peace:joint::mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Those colas were huge...i don't see mine getting that fat and we're all using the same lighting. That sugar blossum is a bad ass strain.


Well-Known Member
no dude thats mainly c-99 in the box, he had one sugar blossom and one apollo in there as well. but by far the c-99 tastes crazy good.
i honestly think that the reason these did so good in the box is that he had the 6 42 watter cfl's and none of the light can escape the box, especially with all the mylar we lined the inside with. i checked your out they look like they'll do good man, the only thing different i would have done is try and find a way to use mylar for eflection, it really makes a difference. peace wow