Day 10 of flower and a hermie...

Okay, so I have 4 plants. As of YESTERDAY, I had 3 females and 1 probable male.

I work up this morning to find that one of my females had three very small little pollen sacks. The top three sets of leaves have pistils, but the 4th set from the top is the set that developed the balls. I carefully (with tweezers) pulled the balls off and separated the plant to the other side of the closet (only about 2ft. away).

Did I mess up? Should I just trash it? Is it worth trying to salvage the plant? I've heard of "intersexual" plants that will only show a few balls here and there? Comments???
UPDATE: I checked my other two females. One was just fine, but I now officially have 2 hermies on my first grow. :(

Picked 3 pollen sacks (in one location) off the first and 5 pollen sacks (three different locations) off the new hermie. :'(

I'm guessing I should just trash these two?? I don't have another growing location so I cant really keep them going.....


Well-Known Member
fuck mate that sucks. what happened? did you stress them or did you get some shit genes?

2 of the branches on my plant showed bananas but i caught it way early and plucked them before they turned to balls, and now she is a she (or at least has been for a good 2 weeks)


Well-Known Member
You know man. This kind of happend to me and a lot of people will call bullshit but I took good care of them and pulled the nuts off (Mine weren't clustered) and then the nuts never came back. I've heard you can get them to revert to just females and I think and hope that is what happend to me but I wish you the best. I know a lot of people that just tend to them every day to keep the nuts away...


first off without pictures its kinda hard to be 100% sure of this.. but i believe you've got yourself 2 males and 2 females..
even if this is not the case anything hermi'ing, or growing pollen sacks 10 days in, is going to continue to do so..
cut them down..these are not worth ruining a garden for..

hope this helps
fuck mate that sucks. what happened? did you stress them or did you get some shit genes?

2 of the branches on my plant showed bananas but i caught it way early and plucked them before they turned to balls, and now she is a she (or at least has been for a good 2 weeks)
The genes are relatively good. Mother plant was chernobyl, unsure of the father plant. Since this is my first grow, the first 2-3 weeks were pretty rough on all of my seeds/plants. I'm guessing it's the stress. :(

first off without pictures its kinda hard to be 100% sure of this.. but i believe you've got yourself 2 males and 2 females..
even if this is not the case anything hermi'ing, or growing pollen sacks 10 days in, is going to continue to do so..
cut them down..these are not worth ruining a garden for..

hope this helps
Well, I'm gunna keep them growing a few more days. I kinda have to.. I've got to at least try, right? It's only day 10 of flower so I doubt a few more days will ruin my sole female. Three females would've been nice though. I doubt I'll even break even on my expenses ($525) with only one female. :(


Active Member
The genes are relatively good. Mother plant was chernobyl, unsure of the father plant. Since this is my first grow, the first 2-3 weeks were pretty rough on all of my seeds/plants. I'm guessing it's the stress. :(

Well, I'm gunna keep them growing a few more days. I kinda have to.. I've got to at least try, right? It's only day 10 of flower so I doubt a few more days will ruin my sole female. Three females would've been nice though. I doubt I'll even break even on my expenses ($525) with only one female. :(
Can't put a price on knowledge (I'm assuming you learned some things this grow, being your first?).

I've never had hermies but I'd keep them going, be as vigilant about any pollen sacks as possible. I've heard people who have had some success growing hermies, although not ideal. You can only hope for the best, but it's better to have hermies than no plants at all (in my opinion).

I would just make sure to clean the living shit out of the grow space after you harvest to get rid of any pollen. And I don't know what sort of set up you got going, but if you could afford to set up a little propagation box, you could get even just 1 or two small plants going, and won't miss much of a beat.

That's my two cents anyways. Good luck.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
i just trashed a plant that was almost 5 weeks along because it popped bananas everywhere. there were just too many to keep up with.

i have grown out plants that popped nutsacks in the past with fine results. if there's only a few and you stay on top of it it won't effect the results drastically. you just have to decide whether you want to risk getting pollen everywhere to seed future grows.

here she is right before i hacked her to pieces. R.I.P.



Active Member
i just trashed a plant that was almost 5 weeks along because it popped bananas everywhere. there were just too many to keep up with.

i have grown out plants that popped nutsacks in the past with fine results. if there's only a few and you stay on top of it it won't effect the results drastically. you just have to decide whether you want to risk getting pollen everywhere to seed future grows.

here she is right before i hacked her to pieces. R.I.P.
Dude, you're gonna make me cry. :sad:


Active Member
Okay, so I have 4 plants. As of YESTERDAY, I had 3 females and 1 probable male.

I work up this morning to find that one of my females had three very small little pollen sacks. The top three sets of leaves have pistils, but the 4th set from the top is the set that developed the balls. I carefully (with tweezers) pulled the balls off and separated the plant to the other side of the closet (only about 2ft. away).

Did I mess up? Should I just trash it? Is it worth trying to salvage the plant? I've heard of "intersexual" plants that will only show a few balls here and there? Comments???
i wouldnt cut them down man, i get this all the time with this one specific strain, i just keep pullin off the sacks, everyday for a while you gotta but, if u do that u should be fine, my strain is potent so i didnt wanna pullem, n im glad i didnt, oh n no pollen ever happened either

Total Head

Well-Known Member
Dude, you're gonna make me cry. :sad:

yeah, it was awful. the good news is it was just a bagseed, and the stash i pulled it from has produced some fine bud on past grows that were nanner-free. it was BAD, though. i have 3 other plants flowering with "paid for" genetics and i just couldn't risk it. after i pulled off about 10 on a single branch i said fuck it.
Can't put a price on knowledge (I'm assuming you learned some things this grow, being your first?).

I've never had hermies but I'd keep them going, be as vigilant about any pollen sacks as possible. I've heard people who have had some success growing hermies, although not ideal. You can only hope for the best, but it's better to have hermies than no plants at all (in my opinion).

I would just make sure to clean the living shit out of the grow space after you harvest to get rid of any pollen. And I don't know what sort of set up you got going, but if you could afford to set up a little propagation box, you could get even just 1 or two small plants going, and won't miss much of a beat.

That's my two cents anyways. Good luck.
Yeah thanks man. This is what I've decided to do. I'm going to try to keep them.. It'll be another good learning experience. Hell, it already has been. Lol..

I think I might get some fem. seeds, germinate, and plant those in a week or two. Like you said, wont miss too much, and I'll be more prepared for run #2. lol :D

i wouldnt cut them down man, i get this all the time with this one specific strain, i just keep pullin off the sacks, everyday for a while you gotta but, if u do that u should be fine, my strain is potent so i didnt wanna pullem, n im glad i didnt, oh n no pollen ever happened either
So no pollen got released when you tried it? Hmm, sounds risky, but I'm gunna try to do the same thing....


Well-Known Member
Glad you decided to keep her. With only one other female, I don't think it would be worth it to kill her off. Hopefully your area is easy to clean, and if you can watch her close enough it be an issue. With so few plants you shouldn't have a problem. +rep
Turns out another one of my females hermied. :/

I think Im gunna try some Dutch Master Reverse. It's still early and I haven't found too many pollen sacks. Only two today.. None on the first hermie.

I've read to mix dish soap in the DMR liquid? Any opinions on this? Anyone got a ratio?
Yeah, two are hermie. One if a pure female.

No comments on the Dutch Master Reverse? I can afford it, but the saturator put the total to over $60! :o