Day #11, nutrients?


Well-Known Member
Ok so these plants are 11 days old, in FF Ocean Forest. They need to be watered today, its bone dry... so should i give them any nutrients at all @ this stage... given the type of soil their in? I was thinking they wouldn't need anything since they'll be transplanted within a week to more Ocean Forest, but someone mentioned nutes to me.

All I've got on hand is Gaia Green 4-4-4 & some sample bottles of Fish Shit.



Well-Known Member
Ok thanks HRH, also shout out to @FirstCavApache64 whom in another thread suggested a turkey baster for watering. I used the baster thingy that came with General Hydro PH kit to water 44ml into each solo-cup evenly & there was zero run-off. The cup where i just dumped in the water had run-off.

Clearly watering methodically & accurately has better results. Can't believe I was just dumping it on before :o


Well-Known Member
You can use fish shit. It's not really fertilizer it's more bacteria colonies. Go easy like 1ml/gal. Only once a week/2 weeks