Day 16 flower how's it look?


Active Member
so today is day 16 of force flower. She is an outdoor plant sativa blend potted in a 7 gallon pot. The bu1407867561605.jpg 1407867749246.jpg 1407868022071.jpg ds are coming along nicely but I am having trouble with the leaves. They have dark spots on them and the leaves started curling up 2 days ago. I believe through all my research what was happening is the roots are getting way too hot in the pot causing stress on the plant. So I am going to wrap it in a white blanket to try to help protect it from the heat as we have had very hot weather for my region. So take a look at my pictures and feel free to give me any advice she receives Tiger bloom and big bloom with Cal Mag. Today she received a gallon of compost tea I picked up at the nursery to try to help with the dryness the leaves have been feeling really dry the last 2 days. any advice or opinions greatly appreciated I'm hoping the extra nitrogen in the tea might perk her up. I am a newbie so bear with me..l
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Active Member
They look great for 16 days into flowering! Some strains I have now takes about 3-4 weeks to look like that. I grow indoors though. The spots could be a magnesium/potassium lock out? I would check the pH run off.


Well-Known Member
She's got some issues, but methinks she'll still put out some nice flowers as most of her looks pretty damn fine.

Excellent flower development for 16 days IMO.

Best of luck.


Well-Known Member
i would water and feed from the bottom up on a regular basis to ensure you are getting the entire root system drenched as not to leave any dry pockets . it does kinda look like heat stress but the blackspots kinda baffle me . are you using any sort of bug control? as they are outside , einstien oil rocks. insecticidal soap werks well you can get it at lowes/depot . good luck


Active Member
Move the pot to the grass, but make sure it is a clean area.
The surface area of your concrete is much bigger than that of your pot.
The pot will act like a wick, for heat transfer out of the concrete.
When your roots get above a temperature threshold, they brown and die off inviting disease, gnats, and other things, but lets not forget it kills your plants ability to respire, thus causing decreased yields due to lower root surface area to uptake food.

The blanket is a good idea, or even a mimicked "cone of shame" will increase the root zone. Anything that is white or tan would work wonderfully. A white Christmas tree skirt would work also.



Active Member
i would water and feed from the bottom up on a regular basis to ensure you are getting the entire root system drenched as not to leave any dry pockets . it does kinda look like heat stress but the blackspots kinda baffle me . are you using any sort of bug control? as they are outside , einstien oil rocks. insecticidal soap werks well you can get it at lowes/depot . good luck


Active Member
I just came back from a 10 day vacation to Hawaii and here she is now I think she's looking really good but the leaves still look ugly. doesn't seem to have gotten any worse since I've been gone. I think I'm now in week 4. I have to check the calendar dates on my journal.