Day 19 SHort Rider First trim

I trimmed my shortrider today. I was thinking I would give it a day or two for the 5th node to stretch out a bit and then move to L.S.T. (SoG) but I have atough time believing this autoflower will give me enough time to make that as rewarding as just trimming the bigger fan leaves out of the way of future bud sites since I give a lot of CFL light from the sides, I believe it will take less time to develop these secondary bud sites, then to try to bend everything over. I figure with experience probably not anyways, but as a noob, a good trim and leave it alone seemed the best road. so here are the before trim pic 070813-2.jpg 070813-4.jpg And these are the post trim 071813-8 after trim-1.jpg 071813-8 after trim-2.jpg and these are the trimmings IMAG0346.jpg Not sure they are good for anything ... the fan leaves ARE just like hemp aren't they... no smoke value.. ?


Well-Known Member
the one thing you want to be aware of with autoflowers is that they have a timed shelf life. after 20 - 30 days there gonna flower, after another 60-90 there gonna be dead. (this is a very general statement in regards to all types of autoflowers with different timings)

trimming them is not usually recommended unless certain techniques are used, fimming is a definite no no as it takes additional time for the plant to recover and you can loose valuable time.

cfl sidelighting is great, and you could smoke them i guess but ....... er..... i dont see the point as there is almost no thc on the fan leaves. maybe mulching for future grows?
trimming them is not usually recommended unless certain techniques are used, fimming is a definite no no as it takes additional time for the plant to recover and you can loose valuable time.
Thanks Karousing, yes I have read a fair bit on them, but all I have seen is topping that is not recommended , not trimming; the reason being the exact concern I had with trimming which is you would flower and die before you get your new tops :-) . but that being said I sure do appreciate the input , at the end of the day I realized fan leaves mean nothing to me, so an acceptable loss for sure, whereas the added light on the new sites would outweigh any loss from the fan leaves (understanding too many fan leaves trimmed would likely mean not enough gas in the tank to develop) thanks for the heads up on thc content I really don't know a lot about whether the fan leaves stalk etc are worth anything so good to know they are not, but the mulch idea that's a pretty good idea for keeping everything a little greener :-) thanks for the tip


Active Member
first of all back up from the nutes,it seems slightly burned and second don't touch the fan leaves leave them alone!
don't assume................. it makes you look stupid...... the tips of some leaves are brown from a bit of a scorching from lights a while ago but you don't need to be a Harvard lawyer (especially with the pics attached) to see it is actually very minor and to also do a bit of thinking before you "diagnose" my healthy plant LOL. why would I not touch the fan leaves? do you have a reference I can read somewhere as to why ? are you telling me my plant will fall over and die now because some flotsam got cut off? I don't think so but thanks for your input :-)


New Member
The fan leaves are where the plant stores all the goodies when you trim you think your getting more light for the lower growth but your just stunting the plant because the leaves are also there to catch light so the plant can photosynthesis to create energy = good growth. There's a whole process I can write but there's the short story here check out this video good example.


Well-Known Member
don't assume................. it makes you look stupid...... the tips of some leaves are brown from a bit of a scorching from lights a while ago but you don't need to be a Harvard lawyer (especially with the pics attached) to see it is actually very minor and to also do a bit of thinking before you "diagnose" my healthy plant LOL. why would I not touch the fan leaves? do you have a reference I can read somewhere as to why ? are you telling me my plant will fall over and die now because some flotsam got cut off? I don't think so but thanks for your input :-)
little cocky aren't you? sorry but it does appear you are over feeding. do you not notice how dark your leaves are that would be called nitrogen overdose.


Active Member
don't assume................. it makes you look stupid...... the tips of some leaves are brown from a bit of a scorching from lights a while ago but you don't need to be a Harvard lawyer (especially with the pics attached) to see it is actually very minor and to also do a bit of thinking before you "diagnose" my healthy plant LOL. why would I not touch the fan leaves? do you have a reference I can read somewhere as to why ? are you telling me my plant will fall over and die now because some flotsam got cut off? I don't think so but thanks for your input :-)
If you wanna fall of the clif i won't stop you it's your life,go ahead and pluck them off and then you can share the results.You shouldn't trim autoflowers but as it seems you know better...
little cocky aren't you? sorry but it does appear you are over feeding. do you not notice how dark your leaves are that would be called nitrogen overdose.
read my journal... no nutes ... so I might be a little cocky, or you might be.... "dark leaves" would be brighter green in different light of the camera , but then if I wasn't too cocky, I would have probably thought about that before I posted any response at all.... :-) I will keep everyone apprised of how this works :-) but it looks really good so far, especially compared to the pics you have posted of where all your experience is coming from lospsi ..... uhm yeah.


Well-Known Member
read my journal... no nutes ... so I might be a little cocky, or you might be.... "dark leaves" would be brighter green in different light of the camera , but then if I wasn't too cocky, I would have probably thought about that before I posted any response at all.... :-) I will keep everyone apprised of how this works :-) but it looks really good so far, especially compared to the pics you have posted of where all your experience is coming from lospsi ..... uhm yeah.
oh I thought I read you were feeding them i refrain my comment.