Day 2 and i already have mold, what do i do?


Active Member
Okay so my plant is growing well, just got done with germination and planting it 2 days ago and it already has 4 little leaves, It looks amazing already. But i just noticed a few smaller than a dime sized spots of mold on top or the soil. I also even noticed what looked like small gnats, only like 2 though but im sure they arnt doing my plant any good.

Now i have my plants growing in a 4ft tall,3ft wide grow box. It stays 82* degrees in the box at all times. The box also has a small fan blowing air in. I water once a day with store bought spring water and i havent used any ferts yet of course. Im using just a plain old organic seed starter soil then i have some fox farm ocean forest im going to move it to.

But my question is, What have i dont wrong and what can i do to stop the mold? like add another small fan to blow air out, or add something to the soil...
also if anyone knows what the little flying gnat like bugs are and how i could lose those guys that would be cool too.


Well-Known Member
Mold already! lol that sucks dude

How about your pot size? how big are they because you shouldnt need to water everyday, you should wait until the soil is very dry, and you have to dig down a bit to feel moisture, lift the pot and if its getting really light then you can water. Marijuana likes to have a medium that is only slightly moist, it means theres more oxygen in the soil and more oxygen means the roots will work better.

Maybe by letting the surface of the soil become dry it wont be getting moldy.

Hopefully that helps, also I would remove the bit of soil that has mold on it


Active Member
Mold already! lol that sucks dude

How about your pot size? how big are they because you shouldnt need to water everyday, you should wait until the soil is very dry, and you have to dig down a bit to feel moisture, lift the pot and if its getting really light then you can water. Marijuana likes to have a medium that is only slightly moist, it means theres more oxygen in the soil and more oxygen means the roots will work better.

Maybe by letting the surface of the soil become dry it wont be getting moldy.

Hopefully that helps, also I would remove the bit of soil that has mold on it
The pot im using is about 4in tall and 3 wide. the plant is about a inch tall. i think that maybe the watering is whats causing it because I felt like i may have been doing it a litttle much.
I did remove the soil with mold on it though and will be keeping a close eye on my babys.
thank you for your reply and info


Well-Known Member
Add the fan and cut back on the water. That's what's causing the *mold*.

It's probably algae and it really won't hurt anything.



Active Member
Okay will do, i already added the fan but ill start watering less. Im pretty sure that will help it alot.


Well-Known Member
Okay will do, i already added the fan but ill start watering less. Im pretty sure that will help it alot.
too much water, dig down in the dirt a inch or so and if its still moist no need to water until that is dry.


Well-Known Member
Keep the little fan but get a big fan and blow it at the box with door open from the outside 24/7(except flowering put door on lights off but leave the small fan on at all times). With good strong airflow and clean grow area the mildew should ease off.


Yes, Responses in this are very correct. The mold is the cause of their being too much moisture (water). Before you water, make sure the top of the soil is crusty (Dryish). Lift the pot and make sure it's light. Make sure you have GOOD DRAINAGE. Make sure there are small holes on the bottom of the pot. Keep a fan going not only to help get rid of unnecessary moisture, but the keep your plant strong and healthy. The air blowing on your plant will cause the stem to grow thicker. Good Luck! :) P.S. make sure to keep disposing of the mold so it doesn't spread and get more moldy.