day 21 flower after defoliation


Active Member
Looking for some assurance first time grower and attempt at scrog. here's the details.

4x2x5 tent
6x24inch Presh filter
6inch hyper fan
(2) platinum LED 300 watt (185 actual) draw
36 inch uvb reptisun 10.0
With 36inch digital ballast

1 Blue og
1 critical sensi star

Using 3 part ph perfect AN series hobbyist with big bud over drive and voodoo juice

Criticism welcome



Well-Known Member
Looks pretty good man. Imo I wouldn't de foliate that much until much later in flower. I normally do my lowers right when I flip to flower, and then slowly take the bigger fans off though out flower and the last 10 days to 2 weeks, I strip every fan leaf off the plant.

This is just my way of doing things though, many ways to do it and most of them work. Your plants look good though man congrats


Active Member
Looks pretty good man. Imo I wouldn't de foliate that much until much later in flower. I normally do my lowers right when I flip to flower, and then slowly take the bigger fans off though out flower and the last 10 days to 2 weeks, I strip every fan leaf off the plant.

This is just my way of doing things though, many ways to do it and most of them work. Your plants look good though man congrats
Thanks for the reply....felt pretty ballsy' tho stripping it...but been reading and all.that extra light make on bud sites makes sense...having fun axious like all on what I'll end up with.....Maybe about a pound lol


Well-Known Member
Yea it definitely opens up light for the bud sites, which is why I do it slowly through out flower. But imo the plants still need their fans early on to use more of the light to photosynthesize. But like I said bro shit looks good, you should so a side by side next time with how much you strip and see what you like better. Your going to do good dude.