Day 22, hows it look?


Well-Known Member
I think its growing really good! My last one didn't get to go to this stage because it stretched so much. Does it look as big as it should be?

I just pruned it about Saturday I think. I'll take more pictures when I'm not high as hell.



Mr I Can Do That For Half
Looks healthy little small for the age though.About the size of my 2 week old seedlings but looks healthy and green.You will have to get rid of that pot its in though as its way to small and probably why its stunted


Well-Known Member
is that from a clipping? mine is 22 days old today and is alot smaller. mines from seed.


Well-Known Member
Looks God aweful. You shouldn't smoke that, fuck it just give it to me and I'll be nice enough to dispose of it for you. hehe, teasin, looks great yo. When do u plan to flower? That baby looks ready...


Well-Known Member
How I got my stalk so thick? Get good ventilation with a fan blowing on it at all times.

Are you talking about the many small leaves? This is from pruning my plant so they will grow into bigger leaves.

No it's not from a clipping. Its been grown from a seed.

No the pot size is fine. I'm not planning on a big-ass grow with HPS lights. This is a cfl grow and I already transplanted it from a seedling pot a week and a half ago.

I'm still deciding on whether to flower now or wait until the smaller leaves get bushier and/or bigger. I will flower it in a couple of days I suppose depending on whether I get more cfls tommorow or not. I'm really short on lighting right now because I don't have a job or car yet (embaressing I know :() Believe it or not if anyone sees any weird faults with this plant its because I've been growing it under one (yes, one) 27 watt CFL. But don't worry and rush me to get some more. I'm gonna try to buy more bulbs tomorrow and set up a new grow spot to offer more lighting. I do however in aid of the lack of light put this plant outside for about 8 hours a day every once in a while.


Active Member
jealous. i'm doing a similiar grow pattern as you...dealing with the 60 watt bulb and fan, and putting it outside during the sunny days. i'll let you know how mine goes, just planted them earlier today and already can't stop checking on them ha. nice growing