Day 23 - going 12/12 in one week.


Active Member
Thank you very much, friend :)

I started with feminized seed...bomb berry bomb seed...but was so unlucky in the past with reg seeds, that i wasn't sure it will turn out a girl.
I only have one waterfarm unit...and so can only grow one plant for now...thinking about getting another waterfarm unit or make one myself.

Anyway, thanks again for the help, and all the best!!! :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Just one never seems to be enough lol! I'm rockin the fem seeds too, gotta purple wreck about 3 weeks or so from seed and a rock lock that I'm hopin will pop. So far the PW is the only seed I've gotten to sprout out of a ww, northern lights blue and cotton candy! I don't get it but oh well!


Active Member
...well, yeah one is never enough lol, i agree...but im just starting...i dint grow for about 2 years...and its my first time ill be slowly upgrading things.

...also its my first time ever using fem the past, i only worked with reg seeds and bag seeds...and i have learned to germinate so well that i never failed once. you probably know this method, but ill tell you anyway just in case :)

take paper towel, get it little wet, place seed inside, and place that wet paper towel with seed in a plastic bag. and place that bag on a router or something that runs 24/7 a modem or has the right temp all the time. open the plastic bag every 12h to check how it goes. it can take from 16h to 3-4 days to see the small roots. it worked perfectly for me everytime, i never tried any other way lol

hope it helps :) ...all the best!!!


Well-Known Member
That's what I did..always have, thanks tho brotha good lookin out! Shitty seeds I guess, I got a white rhino and pepperjack haze left hopefully they aren't duds! Imma wait a while before I try n crack em tho.

Ur gonna have a monster to deal with when she's stretchin, got any plans of action?


Active Member
...yeah shitty seeds its a possibility...wish you all the luck with the rest of the seeds! there's always a sunshine after rain, so dont give up hope...something good will come out eventually. :) girl is getting bigger every day, i think i should've started 12/12 earlier lol...but no, no plans of action...i got enough space, 3x3x6 ...i think it should be enough. if you look at the genetics of the Bomb berry bomb, they are not the tall kind of plants, more bushy then anything. i have placed a net today, so i can move any branches to any directions and give light to smaller branches so she grow larger and not taller. it worked well in the beginning, thats why i have so many tops of the same size. so hopefully it works and she stop stretching so much. i dont like to cut branches, i had bad luck with that in the past...too much cutting, and the girl became hermaphrodite...dont know for sure if it was genetics or too much this one, im going to let her grow.

will upload some pics soon...


Well-Known Member
i've done paper towel, and cup of water method.. it works great but there is always risk of damaging tap root. I just start the seed right in a 5 inch container.. give it 24 to 48 hours of darkness and a little moisture.