Day 3 How does it look? (Good Pics)


Well-Known Member
also looks like you got a shitload of perlite in your mix so just remember your soil is gonna dry up alot quicker


Active Member
Plant does look good and I like the little setup you have there, classic little stealth grow :)

I am hoping you just dumped some excess perlite on top of the medium and your entire pot isnt filled like that or you will be watering a couple times a day. For future reference I wouldnt use anymore than about 35% perlite to your medium, gives plenty of drainage and space for root growth but doesnt over do it causing you to water more often.

Madden NFL

Active Member
Yeah i will get a fan on it. The one fan is blowing air in so it is blowing on the stem but i will wire one up. and thanks for telling me about the perlite also.


Active Member
Yea, looks good. I like how you have 3 lights on it. That'll certainly help it out. I only have one light for each of my plants.

Madden NFL

Active Member
Yeah, I should have showed u guys the Big exhaust fan i found in my attic works GREAT. The things you can find laying around the house :P