Day 42 Flower-- Problems OH the Problems


Ok So this Is Day 42 Of flowering. If by chance you have been following the grow I had 3 Females to start flowering with. Well in the Middle of the week (day 38 I was doing daily inspections and noticed that she was turning in to a HE/SHE. (PISSED):cuss:. So Long things short it got cut. NO FLUSH - NO DARK PERIOD. Here is what she looked like hanging to dry :
hanging dry.pngSmall bud pic.png.

Ok. so if thats not so bad... We move on to plant #2. This plant was growing great had nice buds growing and many big side growth buds. Well I guess that the plant was not able to support itself and a Branch Broke it self off. These next 2 pics are a before and after shot of the plant. Luckly the plant did not go into shock, he just kept on growing as if nothing happend.
week 3 flower 4.pngflower day 42-1.png.

Now this is Plant 3. So far I have not have had any problems with this plant and it stinks very nicely. Here are some pics.
flower day 42-4.pngflower day 42-5.pngflower day 42-6.png.

So now that you have seen my plants and the mistakes that i mad and the mistakes that the plants have done is there any good advice that you could give me. Such as Did I do the right thing by chopping the hermmie down? Also B/C I chopped it down early it has a (wet hay ) smell. Will that go away in time?

Thanks for taking the time to look at my post. Any and All help is wanted and put to good use
Happy Smoking


She was gonna go for 8 weeks, so i was about to start the flush period for her/him. Luckly I think i got it out before he/she could pollonate the other 2.


Well-Known Member
In the future, make sure you don't have light leaks. I don't like feminized seeds because of the increased chance (ever so slight that it can be) of stress induced hermies.

That sucks about plant 2! Tie up those heavy buds, so that the plant can keep growing!

I'd personally add lights and move them closer. You want them as close as possible, without burning the plants.

Looking pretty good!