Day 42 flower w/pictures

I tried to figure out how to link to a new post down there ----vv.
Then I thought, why not just fire that bitch back up.
It back on, I got girlies to show off.
Well, I have a brand new, growing from seed girl, as in one.
But i'm back in the flower room with new shit!!
Oh, and I didn't make hash this weekend. Go figure.
This freak storm knocked out electric and internet and cable! Electric company said it could be up to the 3rd of Nov. before we get power back. I'll be back...We least we have a generator. Peace
Hello Kidddies. Well, here we are. Almost 6 days with no electric, cable, water, nothing......Finally kicked on last night about 8:30 EST. Thankful we have a fireplace and use of a generator. We got us a shitload of new firewood though, with all the trees and branches that came down. Not much to report on the curing buds other than the smell is getting danker and danker each day. The taste starts very smooth on inhale, but quickly "expands" in your lungs and fitful bouts of coughing will follow. I have adjusted my tokes for the expansion factor. The high is still very sativa like, with a fastpaced, heady buzz. The type of high where you space out watching the trees swaying lazily in the wind, leaving trails as they sway...almost trippy. I like it and have gotten good reviews from family who have sampled. They say you are your own worst critic, well, I'm no exception. The bag appeal is an 8-8.5. With red/brown pistils hairs in abundance. The smell is a 10. Nasty Dank.....I will give a better, more informed smoke report before the weekend is over. So for now my friends. Peace:leaf:
For sure Chickengutz. Last year we were without power and gas for 8 days in Cali. Geez, I thought the place was civilized.
For sure Chickengutz. Last year we were without power and gas for 8 days in Cali. Geez, I thought the place was civilized.
During the Blackout of 2003 we were without power for 3 days and we thought society was on the brink. I can't imagine all the issues associated with an 8 day interruption of service. Every human should be forced to spend a week at Burning Man, to see what can be accomplished when the power goes out, lol.
Hello all. Sorry I've been MIA. After devoting so much time to the grow, it was time to redirect my energy back to my family. This friday will be the 4th week curing in the jars. I let about 1/2 of the harvest go after 2 weeks curing...;-). The rest I left cure. So here is my smoke report. By the way, even though it was a mystery bean, I named this bud "Special Ed" after my brother...private joke...but after smoking, you could be riding the short bus....No disrespect to any mentally challenged peeps!!

YIELD: Nothing to be said here. Off the main plant and 3 clones. I had 11 z's, After the 2 week cure, it shrank a bit more to roughly 10 z's. Still a great haul for a first time grow. I would give the yield a 15 on a scale of 1-10!!

TASTE: The taste is amazing. A hint of sweetness with the slight taste of dank.. The smoke , when inhaled is very smooth, but quickly expands in your lungs. Caution must be taken on your toke, as I've seen many of my friends and family choke from the expansion. I would give it a 10/10!!

SMELL: What can I say? Dank and sweet, What a wonderful combination! A friend of mines cousing was in visiting from California. He saw, smell, and tasted the weed and immediately said.. "I know Cali dank when I taste it." I laughed in his face and said, "This is Pennsylvania dank, son." 10/10 on the smell. So sick smelling.

HIGH: The high is definately sativa. It's very clear, cerebreal, but spacey buzz. It's definately a "get shit some done" smoke and even after 4-5 hrs, no burned out feeling. It is the kind of high where you can just stare at something, and lock on and keep on staring!! I am EXTREMELY happy with the high. I have not found the ceiling when smoking this herb, you just get higher and higher. And after the initial release, they were pounding down my door looking for bulk amounts!! 10/10 on the scale.

BAG APPEAL: I am very happy with this, the nuggets look beautiful and are covered in trichomes and red pistils. The bud color has settled down to a light green, when viewing it overall, the mix of crystals, red and green is just beautiful!!

So kids, I guess this thread is done. I want to thank everyone who helped me out with the grow. Chickengutz, Jigfresh, Probo24. Kevin Murphy for helping with the postings and generally navigating around RIU. And ALL of you who stopped in and checked out the grow and offered up encouragement and compliments. Especially Izoc666! Bubba Kush and Critical Jack and Papaya up next. I won't bore you with veg time, but will be around when they flower.

So here are a few parting nuggets pictures. Peace. :leaf:



Great Job Happy Smoking Now ,Cajun

Thanks bro. Was a great, first ever grow!

Excellent grow. Those buds look very tasty. Nice job!

Thanks Blue. I have to give thanks to all who helped on RIU

Bravo, Mauler, Bravo Nugs look great dude. good growing, i hope my first will be as great as yours!

Don't be shy asking for help and assistance. Most of the peeps here are glad to help. I'm sure your grow will excel.

ҖҗlegilizeitҗҖ;6624880 said:
ugh looks so tasty :D

Thanks. Taste is off the hook. I only burp the jars every few days and don't leave the lids off for more than 15 minutes or so. The smell gets danker and danker each time.:weed: