Day 44. Will I be alright?


Well-Known Member
I said on here before my White Widiw was throwing out a some nanners, and 1 or 2 little pods, nothing crazy. I've been picking off the spots that even look the slightest bit suspicious, again nothing too major. Anyway, if it continues to do as I described above, and I just pick em off as they appear, will the constant stress of me picking off possible sacks, stress the plant into producing more sacks and nanners?

The smoke looks like its gonna be pretty decent, otherwise I would have culled it weeks back

1st pic is the affected area found this morning
Other 2 pics are just to see how far along she be



Well-Known Member
Idk, lol. I think I've answered my own question, be it a silly question at that. I was kind of worried that picking off the bud sites I established as intersex would stress the plant into more hermaphroditic tendencies. But, I overthink and I'm just gonna let the ship sail, and see where it goes