day 45 bagseed....but it looks so purdy


Well-Known Member
Well I guess I could put out some info on these girls for once.

Planted 2/26
miracle grow potting soil
i topped the big two at the second set of leaves
under 150 hps and 8 four foot flourescent tubes with varying spectrums
using simple miracle gro nutes
now we are on day 45 of flowering for the little girl and the two big ones have been flowering for about a week and a half...anything I may have left out....just ask

Anyone with any tips, advice, or criticism lemme know...this is my first indoor grow....also. the little one is just getting over having spider mites. I hate those little bastards...they make it hard to sleep well at night. She is gonna be just fine.

I know and have been checking the trichs on the little girl, but if you guys have a rough idea of how long till harvest by looking at it please lemme know

now for the pics



Well-Known Member
I vegged the smaller one for about 60 days and the two larger ones for about 90 days.....the smaller one flowered for the first 30 days outside....I think I forgot to mention that. when she was brought in the other two went on 13 dark and 11 light with her