Day 55 on my Sour Diesel, when should i put her into flowering?? HELP??


Well-Known Member
i think that that plant is stunted, and there isnt much you can do with it..... at 55 days a plant should be 2.5-3.5 FEET tall.....

Stop watering it everyday. ONLY water it when its super dry...
Stop trimming it. it doesnt need it.

i would flower it now just to get it out of teh way.... next time follow peoples advice and you plant wont be a runt.

growing marijuana isnt growing tulips.


Well-Known Member
thats another factor to why its so small
no, it isn't. Light is Light, as long as there is enough of it (around 80 watts for a small plant).

there is a lack of light, but not much. i can tell by the leaf formation, they are full leaves streaching out for the light, and not streching the stem....

the truth of the matter is, the plant is stressed right out and going through hard times, for some reason....but you havn;t given us any information, so we dont know exactly what is wrong....


i have a total of 6 lights, 2 30w , and 4 26w cfls, a fan that only blows when the lights are on, an outlet timer set to 16/8 light! MG soil, with MG nutrients added 3 times, and i have MG bloom booster for when i put it into flowering! anything else u want to know that will help?


Well-Known Member
cfls are great man i love em all i use. you can flower when ever you want ive seen ones that just never get flowered and they have grown size of a house so have you repotted yet have you seen the roots see if there growing strong? how is your drainage? whats your temps at? are you phing your water and what water r you using? whats the Kalvins on your cfl and how far r they .... at day 55 it should b bigger here is my fire og around same time View attachment 2037222 View attachment 2037202


Well-Known Member
#1: Watering, When? and How much?
#2: exaust system?

Turn the lights to 18/6 or 24/0. 16/8 only stresses plants. throw away the MG nutes.... it costs $20 for 5-6 years worth of supply worth of that shit... just throw it out...

go and buy good Potting soil and some good basic nutrients.... with growing marijuana you get what you pay for. $160 for 1 gallon of each. grow 1 OZ and absorb the costs.....


i dont have an exhaust fan, but i have one running in the closet! i usually water it when the leaves start to droop, and when i stick my finger down in the soil and its dry ill water it, does anyone have a watering schedule ?or because every plant is different its impossible to have a schedule?


Well-Known Member
Your plant looks super healthy but very small for their age. How often do you water and how far away are your lights from the top of the plant? Like Corbat420 don't water every day, let the soil dry out before you water again. Make sure you have good drainage so the water has somewhere to go. By letting the soil dry out before watering again makes your roots grow by making them search for water. Do you have any clones? If so I would say go ahead and flower that sucka and use different techniques on your clones. If you don't have any my opinion would be to just make some clones off that girl and start over.


U guys are a big help for me learning how this whole thing works, i thought i knew a good bit about it!! but i guess i learn something new everyday! Like i said i only water when the leaves droop and the soils dry about a pinky finger down! the lights are about 6 inches from the plants!! keep the info coming, i wanna have nice big buds one day!!
Who ever said "its a weed, it'll grow anywhere!" they lied lol


Well-Known Member
Do you have a fan the blows directly on the plants? Even though your growing indoors your trying to replicate the outdoor environment. An oscillating fan blowing on the plants acts as wind. It puts a low amount of stress on the plants making them adapt to the wind and strengthen their stalks.


Heres my closet, i kno its not up to par with you guys but being my first time u gotta start somewhere before u start harvesting pounds lol!!



Well-Known Member
get them lights closer i go as close as less then half inch some times but 1-4 inch away is the best 6 your too far loosing lumes if you got fans going heat will not be a problem


Well-Known Member
kk check it out man from the pic i can give u my advice .... the cfl on the left of the pic is way to far u want that thing slamming close its almost doing nothing. nice idea for the top reflective but its almost like foil and that a no no causes heat spots to build and can burn ur plant im not sure if does that with cfl but i wouldn't risk it try getting more of the round hooded reflecters like the one in the left of the pic i just noticed at second glance u got another smaller one on the right get them closer thats tooo far


Active Member
Hey your doin the best you caan with what you got. Think of it this way bro. You can veg it as long as you want. Obviously you know you need better lights. Here's the thing, if the plant gets to much bigger u wont have enough light. So veg that plant as soon as possible. No your not gonna get a QP, but you'll get something you can be proud of. Plus you know that much more the next time. Don't worry you have to learn to work with what you got. Then when and if you can upgrade. I was lucky a friend gave me his 250Whalide, which I built a room for, and a 400whps. I also got a buddy who teases me cause he has 3x1000w. My plan is to grow 2 or 3 plants at a time. I got a Veg room and a flower room. Good luck.

Mr. Clean Feb.7, 2012 007.jpgMr. Clean Feb.7, 2012 008.jpgMr. Clean Feb.7, 2012 009.jpg I took these pics today and I got about a month to go. I can't wait. This is the first time I have ever seen this done.


hey man thanks, and im trying u know! With school right now im a little short on cash and dont have the big bucks for some lights!! i havent seen any yet but do they make a hood i can buy that just plugs in with the hps or MH bulbs instead of having to wire it up!!?